    The social and cultural factors in translation Practice Abstract: Many theorists, like Toury’s and Lefevere’s, advocate that literary texts are cultural made and are parts of “a system which is operating in the larger social, literary and historical systems of the target culture” (Munday, 2001: 108). Likely, it can be assumed that translated texts are products of the target culture and need to meet the socio-cultural demands of the receiving system as this is initial yet critical role of translators in today’s worldwide quest for nurturing trust and understanding. Unless the messages of the ST are transported in a comprehensible and acceptable way for the receiving audience, the translators’ mission of building trust and understanding cannot be accomplished. Translators may, therefore, be said to face various constraints in making the translation acceptable and comprehensible for the target audiences and in allowing the translation
    to fulfilll a certain function assigned by the target system.However, collecting data in one language and presenting the findings in another involves researchers taking translation-related decisions that have a direct impact on the validity of the research and its report.Factors which affect the quality of translation in social research include: the linguistic competence of the translator/s; the translator’s knowledge of the culture of the people under study; the autobiography of those involved in the translation; and the circumstances in which the translation takes place.48333
    There is a need for social researchers who have to translate data from one language to another to explore the factors concerned and make the best choice.
    Key words: translation; culture; social; circumstance
    毕业论文关键词:翻译; 社会文化; 影响因素;
    1.    Introduction. 1
    2.    Different cultural background 2
    2.1    Western translation background .2
    2.2    On English and Chinese cultural differences3
    3.    What are social and cultural factors in translation?5
    3.1    religious beliefs.5
    3.2    thinking modes.6
    3.3    traditional customs.7
    4.    Translation strategies in related with social and cultural factors10
    4.1    Literal translation10
    4.2    Free translation11
    4.2.1    use pun and metaphors11
    4.2.2    Addition11
    4.2.3    Substitution.11
    5.    Conclusion.13
    6.    Reference.14
    Language is a culture which plays a role as an expression form, to help people easily understand each other. With the globalization, translation has an increasingly important function in our daily life. Especially the translation between Chinese and English. Recent years, researches on translation are in continuously trend. People try to find out in what way can the translation performs perfectly. Numerous factors are taken into consideration, like environmental factors, economical factors, historical factors, custom factors and etc.
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