
    4.2    Language output hypothesis. 8
    4.3    The importance of balance between input and output.  9
    5.    Research
    5.1    Methods ..9
    5.1.1    Participants .9
    5.1.2    Procedure 9
    5.2    Research results and discussion..10
    5.2.1    Research data...10
    5.2.2    Discussion11
    6.    Conclusion ..11
     1. Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Research
    With the advent of the information age and the global economy, English has become increasingly important and the most widely spoken language in the world. Under this background, China has tried to make English a cornerstone of quality education when developing strategies for basic education. New English Curriculum for Chinese Junior Middle Schools emphasizes on developing students’ comprehensive language competence, including having good command of English in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. However, the current situation is still failing to meet the needs of contemporary development.
    New English Curriculum for Chinese Junior Middle Schools emphasizes on developing students’ comprehensive language competence, including having good command of English in listening, speaking, reading,  writing skills and cross-cultural awareness. However, the current situation is still failing to meet the needs of contemporary development. Taking the middle school for example, the traditional teaching model of China lays particular stress on analyzing of grammar and the practice of sentence pattern with the central position of teachers. As a consequence, students’ comprehensive language competence can’t get enough promotion. English teachers need to seek more different effective supplementary methods except normal teaching modes to help students improve their English comprehensive competence. Here are five examples included in this paper, Daily reports, English broadcasts English movies, English songs and magazines.
    Taking the middle school for example, because of the exam-oriented education, lack of good language environment and some other reasons, there are some deficiencies in middle school English teaching and learning. For instance, teachers always excessively rely on books knowledge but neglect developing students’ comprehensive language competence. In other words, they attach great importance to language input but give too little care to language output. The traditional teaching model of China lays particular stress on analyzing of grammar and the practice of sentence pattern with the central position of teachers. This kind model of teaching violates the principle of quality education and basic law of English teaching. As a consequence, students’ comprehensive language competence can’t get enough promotion. The first one, listening skill, students can only understand some short statements such as “The blue skirt is 10 dollars, the yellow skirt is cheaper, which only needs 8 dollars. How much is the yellow skirt?”. When students hear some longer native dialogues they feel it’s hard to follow and get the key. The second one, speaking skill, students have weak listening skill, let alone talk with others in English. What’s more, students have few chances to use English for lack of English environment, and students are afraid to talk with others in English. As a result, it becomes a typical phenomenon ---“Dumb English” in China. Then about the reading and writing skills, compared with other two skills, teachers put a greater emphasis on these two skills, so students can do better in reading and writing, but vocabulary acquisition is still a problem that has draw attention by teachers. The last one, cross-cultural awareness, as is well known, to learn a foreign language is to learn another culture, so teachers should cultivate students’ intercultural consciousness. Nevertheless, caused by the narrow teaching material, during the process of middle school English learning, students can hardly know English culture well. In a word, to achieve the principle of quality education and basic law of English teaching, teachers need to seek more different effective methods except normal teaching modes to help students improve their English comprehensive competence.
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