    On the Spirit of the Jazz Age: Viewed from Parties in The Great Gatsby Abstract The paper tries to analyze the lavish parties in The Great Gatsby written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald to explore the spirit of the Jazz Age. The thesis of the paper is that the lavish parties symbolize the spirit of the Jazz Age.48386
    Based on this thesis, main body of the paper is pided into four parts. The first part displays the viewpoint that parties reflect spiritual emptiness of the Jazz Age. Orgy of the parties implies people’s void in the hearts. And the sense of emptiness mainly shows in three aspects: loss of trust for country and society, absence of religious belief and degeneration of morality.
    The second part argues that the parties reflect materialism of the Jazz Age. Through the analysis of Gatsby’s motivations of holding parties and guests’ behaviors, it reveals inflation of people’s material desire and money worship. Furthermore, we can see that people’s spiritual world is poisoned by material and money.
    The third part demonstrates the fact that the parties reflect alienated spirit of the Jazz Age. Luxurious parties seem to be a miniature of society in the Jazz Age. People’s behavior and psychology at the party show their alienated spirit which is embodied in three sets of relationships: man and his mind, man and society, and man and man.
    The fourth part shows that the parties indicate the spirit of self-salvation of the Jazz Age. The parties bear the spiritual pursuit of Gatsby and see the moral growth of Nick. This part clarifies the spirit of self-salvation of the Jazz Age through analysis of Gatsby’s spiritual pursuit and Nick’s moral growth.
    Key words: The Great Gatsby; parties; the spirit of the Jazz Age
    Introduction    1
    1. Literature Review    1
    2. The spirit of the Jazz Age    2
    1. Spiritual Emptiness of the Jazz Age at Gatsby’s parties    3
    1.1 Loss of Trust for Society and Country    3
    1.2 Absence of Religious Belief and Degeneration of Morality    4
    2. Materialized Spirit of the Jazz Age at Gatsby’s parties    6
    2.1 Inflation of Material Desires and Money Worship    6
    2.2 Negative Influence on the People of the Jazz Age    6
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