    A Fallen Rose——An Analysis of Daisy in the Great Gatsby Abstract The Great Gatsby tells a story happening in an unprecedentedly prosperous era, where people have nothing to do except hunting for pleasure and fortune. The novel portrayed women vividly in the Jazz Age who are empty-headed, dreamless, and are longing for rich and recreation by representative figure Daisy, she look flashy and charming superficially, but are barren spiritually, and the time she lives in was exactly the culprit. Because of patriarchalism and social effects, Daisy turns into a hollow, selfish and cold-hearted woman from a innocent and pure girl, and takes the money supremacy as the principle of living, only to become the sacrifice of the money society. This thesis analyzes the heroin Daisy in the novel from five parts: The first part gives a brief introduction of the Great Gatsby, the author Fitzgerald and literature reviews of the Great Gatsby. The second part tells the Great Gastby’s background and women in the Jazz Age, the third part tells Daisy’s love story and Daisy’s background. For the four parts, the paper tells Daisy’s characteristics. Finally, the paper tells the change of Daisy’s characteristics and American Dream. As for conclusion, the thesis further emphasizes the main argument and the profound significance.
    Keywords: The Great Gatsby;  F. Scott Fitzgerald   Daisy; women in the Jazz Age48300
    毕业论文关键词:《了不起的盖茨比》; 弗.司各特.菲兹杰拉德 ; 黛西;  爵士时代的女人
    1. Introduction.1
    1.1 Biographic Sketch of Fitzgerald .1
    1.2 The Brief Introduction to the Great Gatsby1
    1.3 Literature Reviews of the Great Gatsby2
    2. The background of the Great Gatsby3
    2.1 Social Background.4
    2.2 Women in the Jazz Age.4
    3. The Heroine Daisy: A fallen Rose.5
          3.1 The Introduction to Daisy5
                    3.1.1 Daisy’s Background and Life Experience5
    4. Daisy’s Characteristics6
                4.2.1 Daisy’s     Hope to Her Daughter .6
                4.2.2 Daisy’s Voice——Full of Money.6
                4.2.3 Gatsby’s Death7
    5. The Formation of Daisy’s Characteristics8
     5.1 The Reason of Daisy’s Change.8
     5.2 The Victim of American Dreams9
    6. Conclusion9
    7. Bibliography.10
    1. Introduction
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