
    摘要中美篮球文化(Basketball Culture)的发展,都受到各自国家的历史文化的影响。篮球文化的特征、思维方式、审美观念、管理手段都不尽相同,而这种不同之处,也正是两国篮球水平实力差距的根源之处。文章的重点在于通过对比分析两国篮球文化的文化背景、主要特征、价值取向、人才培养等,找出中美篮球文化的存在的主要差距,并基于这些差距,探讨如何又好又快的推动我国篮球运动的健康发展。49116

    毕业论文关键词:篮球文化 文化背景 主要特征 价值取向 人才培养

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    A study on the differences between Chinese and American basketball cultures                               


    The development of basketball culture of China and the United States is influenced by their respective history and culture. The characteristics of basketball culture, ways of thinking, aesthetic ideas and management methods are different, and these kinds of differences is result in the disparity of the basketball level between the two countries. The purpose of the thesis is to compare the basketball culture between the two countries from the perspective of cultural background, main characteristics, value orientation and personnel training, the main object of this article is to find the major disparities in basketball culture of China and the United States. Suggestions are put forward on how to promote the healthy development of our basketball sport.

    Keywords  Basketball culture  Cultural background  Main characteristics Value orientation   Personnel training 

    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction 1

    1.1 Research background 1

    1.2 Significance of the study 1

    2 Development of basketball culture in China and the United States 3

    2.1 General situation of basketball culture 3

    2.2 Basketball movement management status 4

    3 Cultural differences in basketball culture between China and the United States 7

    3.1 Cultural characteristics 7

    3.2 Ways of thinking and aesthetic consciousness 8

    3.3 Market operation 9

    4 Suggestions 11

    4.1 To Learn advanced basketball culture ideas 11

    4.2 To Improve the system of basketball talent training 11

    4.3 To improve skills and tactics 11

    Conclusion 13

    Acknowledgments 14

    References 15 

    1 Introduction

    1.1 Research background 

    With the continuous improvement of people's health and living standards, basketball as a modern competitive sports, more and more people have been concerned about. Basketball games, created in 1891 by the United States Dr. James creation, is a set of entertainment, athletics, innovation in one of the sports projects, enjoying the broad masses of the attention and love. Basketball culture as a subculture of sports culture, after 100 years of development, has gone beyond the limits of sports culture, began to toward internationalization, personalized, persified and become a hold of the economy, politics, science and technology, education of popular culture (Yan & Pan, 2004).

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