
    1.2 Significance and purpose

    Language learning, especially learning a foreign language is a gradual and skill developing process. This is a process from the perception and imitation to independent learning, and then to skillful using. The ultimate aim of English teaching is to improve the ability of students to use English. Not only should we focus on the ultimate results, but also we should pay more attention to the students’ learning and practice process in teaching.

    This essay puts forwards some purposes on the basis of the study of domestic scholars. First, explore the characteristics of the students in the primary classroom where the class adopts task-based activities. Then through the study of the task-based classroom teaching in primary school, this paper reveals the characteristics of the task-based teaching style, teaching mechanism, design method of the task and specific teaching methods. What’s more, according to the characteristics of students, the task-based teaching method develops students’ learning interest, cultivates students’ English oral communicative skills and the ability to use English. Last but not least, the task-based teaching method improves teachers’ English classroom teaching skills and teaching research ability.

         In a word, this essay consists of introduction, different definitions of task-based teaching method, the application of teaching method, teaching process and principles of task-based teaching method. The introduction mainly explains this essay’s background and purpose. The second part includes several definitions of relative terms. The third part covers specific cases in teaching process. The fourth part presents the principles of the teaching method. The last part majorly tells about the conclusion and suggestions.

    Chapter Two  Literature Review

    The educational experts, the origin of task-based teaching mode is Bray Park’s teaching mode in Britain. The mode fully embodies the theory that we should make the students as the center, and pay attention to the concept of the development of students’ ability. The task-based teaching method in our country is still in the stage of exploration.

        Domestic scholars have made a complete and systematic introduction about the theory of task-based teaching method in foreign countries. Xia Jimei, from Zhongshan University, explains the theory of task-based teaching method in Comparison of the theoretical basis and the model of the problem teaching method and the task-based teaching method. Later, Liao Xiaoqing introduced the theoretical basis, definition and the teaching mode in the theoretical foundation and classroom practice of task-based teaching in 2003. Gong Yafu and Luo Shaoqian also introduced the principles and characteristics of task-based language teaching. (Task-based Language Teaching )

    In addition, the domestic scholars have made further explanation on the basis of the analysis and introduction of foreign task-based teaching method. For example, Luo Shaoqian, a professor in Beijing Normal University, proposed we should establish ,源)自(优尔+文=论]文]网[www.youerw.comthe specific objectives of teaching, and make the tasks rational as well as made up for the original problems. In addition, Lu Ziwen illustrated the theory of primary school English teaching task on the basis of research and practice. Tasks are pided into learning tasks and real life tasks, training students’ actual ability of using English. (Primary and middle school English real task teaching theory and practice)

    Additionally, many domestic scholars have different ideas about the definition of “task-based teaching”. Cheng Xiaotang believed that the task-based approach is a teaching mode. He held that we should learn the language by completing the tasks in the process of teaching, and we should emphasize the authenticity of the tasks and make the students as the center of study. Cheng Korah believed that task-based teaching is a kind of open learning mode. While Wei Yonghong believed that task-based teaching should take the task as the core, so completing the task in the classroom has become a vital thing. What’s more, the rationality of the design of the task is very important as well.

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