
    Abstract Matin Eden tells a struggling story that Martin tries hard to become a famous writer but chooses suicide to end his life after seeing the cruel side of capitalistic society. Futhermore, it tells a love story between Martin and Ruth which motivates Martin to persist in his writing profession. However, in their loving relationship, so many pergent conflicts emerge out that finally tear down their love to face reality. Why could such seemingly strong love easily die? Is their love really built on a solid basis that involves giving, caring, responsibility, respect and knowledge as Erich Fromm states in his book The Art of Love? The main purpose of the paper is to solve these questions. It is pided into three parts including background, body and conclusion. In the background, the main contents of two books Matin Eden and The Art of Love are clearly and logically introduced. And this paper’s body has been pided into two parts, too. Within the first part, focus is put on detailed analyses of Martin and Ruth’s characters combined with concrete plots in the novel. It is necessary to know what kind of people they are if we want to analyze their loving relationship, because love is an activity which consists of two inpidual persons. In the second part, according to a clue of Erich’s theory structure, much deeper explaination is given towards their love. The conclusion summarizes all research, at the same time, builds a bridge to love attitudes of today’s society. It will be better if this paper brings some inspiration of necessary way how we treat with love to today’s young men and women.49358

    Keywords: Martin Eden; The Art of Love; elements of love; knowledge; seperateness

    基于《爱的艺术》理论对马丁和罗丝的爱情研究摘要《马丁伊登》这部小说讲述了主人公马丁的个人奋斗史。他勤恳刻苦,坚持不懈地写作,却在真正成为一名家喻户晓的作家之后选择了自杀。与此同时,这部小说还讲述了马丁和罗丝的爱情史,也正是因为这股强烈的爱情,马丁始终坚持写作,希望给罗丝带去幸福。然而,在他俩的这段关系中,各种各样的矛盾从未停止出现,甚至最终也让这段关系走向灭亡。为什么这看似强烈的爱情那么容易就妥协在了现实面前?他们的爱真的足够坚固吗?弗洛姆在他的著作《爱的艺术》中,一段坚固的爱必须包含以下这些元素:给予、关心、责任、尊重以及了解。马丁和罗丝的爱真的满足了这些元素吗?这些就是本文想要探讨的问题。本文总共分成三个部分,分别是背景介绍,正文以及最后的结论。背景介绍详细地陈述了两本书的主要内容。紧接着正文也分成了两个部分。第一部分将主要结合小说的具体情节仔细分析马丁和罗丝的性格。爱情涉及到两个独立的个体,因此了解个体的性格是很有必要的。第二部分将按照《爱的艺术》这本书的逻辑线索有条不紊地深入阐述他们两个的爱情关系。最后的结论是总结上文,同时也融入了现实状况的一些思考。希望这篇论文能够启示现在的年轻人, 到底应该如何对待爱情。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Background 1

    1.2 Purpose of the study 1

    1.3 Significance of the study 2

    1.4 Article Structure 2

    2. Literature Review 3

    2.1 Research on Martin Eden 3

    2.2 Research on Martin Eden from love perspective 3

    3. Analyses

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