
    1.1    Corpus Selection
    For the following considerations, the author of this paper selected Xiangjixuanzhi as the corpus to research the emotional communication of classics translation: first and foremost, the feelings are infinite though without being mentioned; the significance is infinite while the speech can be finished. The article makes a feature of introverted and implicative, deep and heavy emotional expression through the description of things. To communicate all the exquisite and deep emotion in the process of translation is not easy. So, the selection of this prose can make the importance of grasping the original emotion and manifestation in translation more prominent. Apart from that, the article took several emotional dimensions,such as "joy", "grief", "bitter grief" and "sadness and gladness succeeded each other", progressed from the easy to the complicated, with a variety of emotions gradually fused and sublimated. In addition, the article, together with The Master of the Five Willows and Peach-Blossom Spring, has been included in various versions of the high school Chinese textbook. Compared with the latter two popular essays, very few people have researched on the English translation of the Xiangjixuanzhi. The author of this paper have only got a total of two versions, the one from the couple translators,Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie, the other one from a senior translator, Liu Shicong, even fewer people have researched on the emotional communication in English translation. That is the innovation of this paper.
    In addition, most predecessors took the research method of single interlingual translation from classical into English and then compared the version with the original essay; or compared two or more versions and analyzed the differences. If we try to use the version after two interlingual transformation and make comparisons with the original, we may get a new experience.
    1.2    Research Design
    This paper first discusses the necessity of the emotional communication in literary translation and then analyzes the emotional dimensions during the emotional conveyance. Though the discrepancy between two languages may hinder emotional communication in translation, the common features of languages and the translator's subjective initiative make the communication possible. Finally it discusses that, in order to realize the emotional communication in literary translation, the translator can flexibly use literal translation or liberal translation, or dominant translation, the combination of both methods.
    In the empirical research part of this study, Xiangjixuanzhi is made to experience two successive interlingual translation processes, first from Classical Chinese to English then from English to modern Chinese, during which the intralingual translation should also be inspected so as to grasp the comprehensive emotion of the original classic. And then we make analysis and comparison between the version after two interlingual translations and the original prose in emotional communication aspect.
    1.3    Research Methodology
    This paper adopts literature research as well as empirical research as the research methodologies of the study.
    1.3.1    Literature Research
    This methodology is to study Xiangjixuanzhi on structure and lyrical emotional colors to grasp a deep and systematic understanding of the original formation. Then read the related monographs and articles to know about the author Gui Youguang’s background and emotional experiences and grasp the moral of describing things.
    1.3.2    Empirical Research
    The Nape, the English version of Xiangjixuanzhi translated by Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie is chosen as the corpus after the first interlingual translation since it is the most widely circulated version.
    In this prose, it is obvious that the third paragraph and the sixth paragraph contain the most abundant and complex emotions. Thus these two paragraphs are selected as the objects of translation research.
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