
    Verschueren’s adaptation theory gives a new perspective and guidance for pun translation in English advertisements. Because the language has the three characters which are variability, negotiability and adaptability, the translators are able to make choices in the process of translation of language. The choices can be described and explained from the following angles: contextual correlates, structural objects, dynamics and salience of adaptability. The paper aims to give a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of pun translation in English advertisements. What’s more, it attempts to deliver an appropriate guidance for translators in their pun translation practice in English advertisements. 

    This paper is made up of five parts. The first part is the introduction that contains the aims, significance and organization of the study. The second part gives the definition of pun in English advertisements and classifies the pun in English advertisements as well as delivers the functions of pun in English advertisements. Then it introduces briefly the study of pun translation in English advertisements in China and abroad. The third part explains the adaptation theory, language adaptability and pragmatic adaptability of pun in English advertisements. 源Z自+优尔=文-论(文+网[www.youerw.com The fourth part provides a detailed analysis of adaptation in pun translation in English advertisements. The last part summarizes some achievements about pun translation in English advertisements from the aspect of adaptation theory. At the same time it points out some limitation of the study for further research. It intends to research pun translation in English advertisements from a new perspective, hoping to give some helpful suggestions for this field.

  1. 上一篇:英语词汇记忆方法的选择及应用探究
  2. 下一篇:中国鬼文化和西方吸血鬼文化的对比分析
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