    Abstract Terrorist  is another masterpiece of Uplike  followed by the "Rabbit Series", which profoundly revealed the status of the United States. Since the 9.11 Terrorist Attack and in the time that the Americans avoided the discussion of terrorists, John Updike, an American literary master, again touched the sensitive nerve of Americans by his new work  Terrorists. The novel described the story of a New Jersey high school graduate's active involvement in the bombing attack as a terrorist.   When being asked about the purpose and significance of this new novel, Updike said he wanted to show "how a perfectly normal American make himself involve in a devastating disaster". The book is filled with the root causes of human hatred and the ultra sensitive relationship between American races. In the American society severely corroded by materialism, how a high school graduate integrated ideal, faith and uncertainty towards the future, in the end of the novel, he became a terrorist, however, due to the kindness from the bottom of his heart and the persuasion from his tutor, he gave up the terrorist attacks. The  paper  analyzes the theme of growth by using the theory  of initiation story from three parts: the Ahmad’s growing experience, the initiation guides and the causes for Ahmad’s radical choices.  It is hoped  that to provide more references to the research of this novel in the future.  50174
    Key Words: terrorist      initiation story     conflict     growth experience
    摘   要 《恐怖分子》是继“兔子系列”之后的厄普代克的又一力作,深刻地揭示了美国的现状。自 9.11 恐怖袭击以来,正当美国人对恐怖分子避而不及的时候,美国文坛大师约翰.厄普代克用他的新作《恐怖分子》再次触动了美国人敏感的神经,小说主要描写的是美国新泽西州,一名高中毕业生主动充当恐怖分子搞爆炸袭击的故事。 当被问及这本新作的目的和意义的时候,厄普代克则表示他想要表现的是“一名完全正常的美国人如何让自己参与了一场毁灭性灾难中去的”。这本书中充斥着人与人憎恨的根源和美国种族之间非常敏感的关系。 在一个被物质主义严重腐蚀的美国社会,一位高中毕业的青年是如何把理想,信仰和对未来的不确定融合在一起的,最后决定成为恐怖分子,但在执行期间,老师的劝导更由于内心心底的善良被激发了出来,最终也是放弃了恐怖袭击。本文运用成长小说的相关理论来分析厄普代克《恐怖分子》这部小说的成长主题,主要从主人公艾哈迈德的成长经历,成长引路人以及导致他做出极端选择的原因这三方面来进行分析,以期为日后这部小说的研究提供更多值得参考的资料。 源Z自)优尔+文`论,文]网[www.youerw.com    
    毕业论文关键词:恐怖分子     成长小说     矛盾冲突     成长经历





    Chapter One Ahmad’s growing experience...6 

         1.1 Lack of Parental Love..7 

         1.2 The Indifferent Social Environment8 

    Chapter Two  Initiation Guides to Ahmad’s Growth...9 

    2.1 The Positive Initiation Guide .9 

    2.2 The Negative Initiation Guide10 

    Chapter Three Causes for Ahmad’s Radical Choice12 

         3.1 The Extreme Religious Belief12 

        3.2 The School Moral Flaw..13 


    Works Cited..16
    An Analysis of Terrorist by John Updike as an Initiation Story                           

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