Abstract Virginia Woolf, one of the famous modernist literary figures of the twentieth century, is not only a representative personage of the stream-of-consciousness novel, but also a unique writer to describe novel in the poem。 According to the poetry, she finds the breakthrough in poem’s abstraction, macroscopic and elegance and steps on the path of poetic novel, breaking through the conventional literary modes and writing The Waves as a major contribution in the art of fiction。 The Waves contains the Virginia Woolf’ s ingenuity of artistic ideas, such as the language with poem’s rhythm, the monologue with poem’s connotation and the image with poem’s symbolization, fully displaying the charm between poem and novel。 The Waves is Virginia Woolf’ s most experimental work, marking a giant leap in her creation of novel。 The analysis of the poetic novel in The Waves will help to bring out the deep meaning of the novel。81618

Keywords: stream-of-consciousness; poetic novel; monologue; symbolic artistic conception 

摘要 弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫不仅是二十世纪著名的现代zhuyi意识流小说代表之一,还是一位用诗的手法来描写小说的独特作家,打破传统写作手法,走上诗小说的道路。《海浪》蕴含着沃尔夫独具匠心的艺术思想,充分展现了诗与小说融合的魅力,也是沃尔夫最具实验性的作品,标志着她在小说创作的一个巨大飞跃。 



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 An Interpretation of Poetic Art in The Waves 3

3。1 Poetic Novels 3

3。2 Poetic Monologue 5

3。3 Symbolic Artistic Conception 6

3。3。1 Artistic conception and creation 7

3。3。2 The characters’ image 8

4。 Conclusion 10

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction 

     he British writer Virginia Woolf's The Waves, with social and historical understanding of the value and significance of is symbolism poetry and writers own artistic exploration of crystallization, has a great influence on the history of western modern literature。 Works of the organization and the performance is novel and unique, fusion of poetry and fiction two kind of different style, poetry space narrative structure and artistic conception through the novel is rich in the artistic conception, full of lyrical and philosophical meaning, so that the work of the poetic space has been further expanded, reveal Woolf exploration of art and traditional unconscious influences, and enhance the aesthetic function of novel。

Virginia Woolf believes that literature and art must be beyond the real life, which is also people’s common feeling in the treasure house。 We have to explore his inner world for this conclusion。 This innovation enriches the art gallery of modern western novels and puts into its unique "poetic novel" theory and creation。 The theory and practice of the inner truth and the theory of the characters can let us read and understand the emotional feelings to the writer for the view of life from the content of the novel, appreciating her life consciousness and life state。 Virginia Woolf thinks that the novel can be directly dependent on the real life and the power of its own。 It can be a real work of art, which is the only way to get rid of the limitations of the objective world。 The future form of the novel will become a poetic novel, not being limited to the relationship between inpiduals, using the soul of modern people to show the relationships between man and nature, man and destiny, people's imagination and fantasy。 This almost approaches abstract generalization and nonspecific analysis。 When a writer wants to establish a life, he will be standing in the back of life to write, so as to get the macroscopic vision of poetry。 This detached theme and vision is a feature of poetry。 The poetic novel doesn’t write with the rhythm of poems, but the poetic perspective to a poem。 The rhyme and rhythm of the language is a special note of Virginia Woolf, her works always having a beautiful and lyrical poetry atmosphere and mood。 The poems in Woolf’ s novels are not the ordinary poems, but the symbolic poems。 The pursuit of the internal world and the use of symbolic images, which makes people think of the symbolic poetry and uses some special images to imply the complex emotions of the characters。

















