Abstract Winston Francis Groom, Jr。 An American novelist is best known for his book Forrest Gump。 The novel became a cultural phenomenon, and won six Academy Awards。 The novel mainly describes the growing experience of Forrest Gump。 To this novel, many scholars have done many researches on this novel。 Jenny was portrayed as a representative of the anti-mainstream culture, denied the progress of women’s progress in social development。 This thesis explored Jenny’s characteristics and the change of her characteristic from her growth environment to show how her characteristics make effects on Forrest Gump in different times。 Facing people’s skepticism and criticism, I will use a tolerant attitude to give her a comprehensive analysis and justice。81619

Keywords: Jenny; characteristic; life experience; effect




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Jenny’s Characteristics Affects on Forrest Gump 4

3。1 Discovering the world’s beauty 4

3。2 Insisting on his own dream 5

3。3 Learning how to love 6

3。4 Struggling for unfair destiny 7

3。5 Be more powerful and brave 7

4。 Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1。Introduction This novel tells a life experience of an intellectual impaired man: “Forrest Gump”, whose IQ is only 75, much lower than the normal, the masterpiece of American Anti-intellectual film, fills of the spirit of conservatism of Hollywood, shows the convention between history and personal。 It looks through the political and social history of the United States by ordinary people’s experience。(Richard 03)论文网

     Access to 67th session of the Oscar for best picture, best actor, good director, and other six awards and the 16th session of the Golden Rooster Award for Best dubbed Award。 

Forrest Gump was born in Alabama, where is in South America, an isolated small town Shortly after World War II。 He was born with mental retardation, with the IQ only in 75。 However, Gump’s mother has a strong character and she hopes Gump lives as same as others。 She always encourages Gump, tells Gump〝You are no different than anybody else is。〞Furthermore, Gump became friends with Jenny, and he can run, run very fast。 Once in middle school, in order to avoid his classmates in pursuit, Gump ran into a school football field, because of his running fast, he was admitted into the university。 And later he became a rugby star and met with President John F。 Kennedy。

And moreover, Gump also made a fortune in strange combination of circumstances to become a billionaire。 Because didn’t want be tired by fame or fortune, Gump became a gardener。 Gump always missed Jenny; however Jenny had been led astray and caught in despair。 Finally one day, Jenny came back, she lived with Gump for a period of time。 And one evening, Jenny throws herself into the lap of Gump, and to leave quietly at the next day’s dawn。 Years later, Gump met Jenny again, and a little boy who was Gump’s son。 This time, Jennifer has got a kind of incurable disease。 The three of they got back to their hometown, spent a happy time。(Robert 02)

















