Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can’t be successful in doing anything。 But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire。 (Charles 2005) Of course, in Forrest Gump’s life experience, we can know a woman play an important role in his lifestyle, who will encourage Forrest Gump to work hard in his different life times, she is Jenny。 By analyzing Jenny’s characteristic deeply, we can understand the novel well。

Jenny passed away, and their son got to school age。 One day, Gump sent his son to the school bus, at this time, a feather fall off from Gump’s son’s book, and fly away in the wind。 Jenny is a symbol of degradation; she contracted almost all of the bad habits, such as drug addiction, sexual liberation and so on。 Finally, she died of a virus - in fact imply that the HIV virus。 But Forrest Gump does not count everything, always in love with her, reflects his innocence and goodness。(Carter 2005)

2。Literature Review

     Since Winston Francis Groom wrote the novel Forrest Gump, which was adapted into a film by Robert Zemeckis。 The film become a culture phenomenon and won six Academy Awards。 Before I did research on the novel Forrest Gump, many famous or infamous scholars have conducted an inquiry on the novel。 Many scholars study the novel from different angle。(Hughes 2003)

     From the article “Cultural Contradiction--A Brief Analysis of Jenny: Symbol of a Cultural Rebellion in Forrest Gump”, they pointed out that Jenny was the symbol of a cultural rebellion。 The thesis first introduced the main contents of the novel: Forrest Gump。 On the one hand, the novel advocates truth as well as honesty。 And it wants to help people to get rid of the alienation of modern civilization, and find the true beauty of human nature。 On the other hand it makes the movie a classic of contemporary American culture。 The essay made some analysis to the years and events which the movie has talked about。 Then by detailed analyzing the main character: Jenny, and the comparison between Jenny and Forrest Gump, their different fates and the values they represent, the paper highlighted the different destiny caused by the values they hold and showed that they were strongly influenced by the mixture of culture values of that period。 At last, with the combination of the main characters Jenny and Forrest Gump: it indicated that different life values have melted into one。 From their paper, we can know Jenny as the symbol of the rebellion is on behalf of the American nation’s modern spirit。 Under the influence of the complete collapse of value system from her father, what she has inherited is nothing but all the bitter memories。 As a woman, Jenny lives a different way of life。(Liu,  Li and Zhou 2012 )

     But the other article “The Paradox of Feminism Reflected in the Novel Forrest Gump”, we can see that men and women are two basic components of the society and they could not exist in an isolated from。 During Gump’s life , there are two important women who influence him a lot: his mother and Jenny。 One of the important features in presenting paradox on feminism is the truth that Gump attaches to female。 After leaving home for school, his first girl in his life, Jenny。 Thus he runs to another woman’s brace in addition to his mother。 From then on, Jenny has been Gump’s a spiritual harbor and the one he remembers all the time。 He does everything well in order to stay with Jenny。 So he can get though countless difficulties and desperation in life。 Jenny also serves as guidance in his life in society。 She regards Gump as a really good friend without any dislike, she stops Gump from being addicted to drugs; she even has a baby with Gump thus makes his life complete。。。。。。It can not be erased Jenny had great influences on Gump。(liu 03)

















