
    (5) An attempt to connect classroom language learning with language activities  outside the classroom.源Z自)优尔+文`论,文]网[www.youerw.com

    From the whole point of view, the foreign researches of task-based teaching are mature. But the foreign teaching mode is not completely suitable for Chinese students. About the researches of task-based teaching in China, Chinese educators mainly introduce the results of the foreign task-based teaching mode and subjects are college students or middle school students. The researches about primary school are few and the researches about pupils in grade 3 of primary school are less. The method used in the researches mainly is literature analysis while this paper is an empirical study.

    II. The Design of the Investigation 

    2.1 Purpose and Questions of Investigation

    The purpose of this study is to learn about the present situation of application of task-based English teaching of pupils in grade 3 and their current situation of English learning, and then find out some problems and give some effective suggestions.

    The questions of investigation are as follow:

    (1) What is the current situation of application of the task-based English teaching of pupils in grade 3?

    (2) What is the present situation of English learning of pupils in grade 3?

    (3) What problems exist in the process of the use of task-based teaching?

    (4) What factors affect the implementation of the task-based teaching?

    (5) How can we scientifically and rationally design task-based activities? 

    2.2 Subjects 

    The research subjects of this study are 120 pupils in grade 3 of Zhoukou primary schools and 5 English teachers. The 120 students participate in the questionnaire and 5 English teachers and 12 students are selected to participate in the interviews. The students come from different classes in the same grade and teachers include new teachers and experienced teachers. Therefore, the results of the survey are extensive and the subjects are representative to some degree.

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