


    Abstract Listening, as one of the four basic skills of language learning, is an important approach to get information. Therefore, it plays a significant part in our daily communication. All too often, listening has long been one of the overlooked areas in China. The current situation of listening teaching and learning in Senior High school is not satisfactory. Task-based language teaching centers on the use of authentic language. It asks students to complete meaningful and practical tasks by using the target language. The paper mainly analyzes the data firmly concerned with listening teaching in Senior High through secondary resources. The paper aims to study and analyze the problems in listening teaching in Senior High and it provides countermeasures to address these problems from the perspective of Task-based language teaching. TBLT provides a reference meaning for eliciting student’s learning interest and improving the English listening teaching in senior high school.

    Key words:senior English;English listening teaching;Task-based Language Teaching

    A Study on TBLT in Eliciting Middle School Students’ Interests In Learning English


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Task-based Language Teaching Approach in English Listening 2

    2.1 Task 2

    2.1.1 Definitions of Task 2

    2.1.2 Types of Task 4

    2.2 TBLT 5

    2.2.1 The Definitions of TBLT 5

    2.2.2 The Features of TBLT 6

    2.2.3 The Current Study of TBLT Home and Abroad 6

    2.3 Research on Listening 7

    III. Analysis of Problems in Listening Teaching in High School 9

    3.1 Improper Listening Strategies 9

    3.2 Lack of Cultural Knowledge 9

    3.3 Isolation between Listening and Speaking 10

    3.4 Listening Materials Selection 10

    IV. How to Apply TBLT Approach 11

    4.1 Pre-listening Tasks 11

    4.2 While-listening Tasks 12

    4.3 Post-listening Tasks 13

    V. Conclusion 13

    Bibliography 15

    Acknowledgments 17

    I. Introduction

    Most students and teachers seem to agree that the listening will continue to play an important role in English learning. The ways of cultivating the listening skills to improve students’ listening ability has been a problem demanded prompt solution. One of the objectives set by The New English Curriculum Standard of High School is to lay a solid foundation in grasp of fundamental knowledge of a foreign language and to enhance flexibility in using it. Listening, speaking,reading, and writing are the four basic fundamentals of English learning. Listening is vital in the language classroom because it provides input for the learners. Without understanding input of listening correctly, any simple learning cannot start. Therefore, listening is fundamental to speaking and writing. All too often, listening has long been one of the overlooked areas in China. The findings of studies on the listening of senior high are mixed. Lots of works have been done to analyze and discuss the importance of listening for senior high school students, while more works should be conducted to verify the importance of listening skills and the application of TBLT in English classes to improve senior school students’ listening ability from the perspective of a mixture of teachers and students in a variety of learning situations. According to Copper, listening activity takes up a proportion of at least 42 of their total communicative time (Copper, 34). It should be noted that without proper listening strategies, it is impossible to communicate with others. Hence, more attention should be paid to the teaching of students’ listening in senior high school.(Brown, 32-36). 

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