    My writing of this thesis has smoothly come to an end, and I hereby would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the following people for their selfless dedication and contribution to my thesis.

    My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Ms. Wang Zhiying, my supervisor, for her constant guidance and encouragement in the process of my writing. She offered me considerable constructive advice, inspiring suggestions, and incisive criticism. I do appreciate that she has devoted much of her time to reading my draft and making suggestions for further revisions. Without her support and help, the completion of the present thesis is impossible.

    Next, I am greatly indebted to all the other teachers of the School of Foreign Languages who gave me direct or indirect help during my study in the college. Their profound knowledge of English inspired me to make efforts in English learning.

    I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates, who have given me many instructive suggestions and ideas throughout my writing.
    Last, my big thanks would go to my beloved parents, who have been raising, encouraging and supporting me in the last twenty years. And during the process of writing my thesis, they supported and encouraged me, which I really appreciate.

    Transcendentalism is one of the important literary schools in the history of American literature. Influenced by his mentor, Emerson, Henry David Thoreau had inherited the development of transcendentalism. Moreover, as an outstanding representative of American transcendentalism in the 19th century, he practiced the spirit of transcendentalism. He shows a record of his life and his personal practice of transcendental ideas in Walden, which is a great work of Transcendentalism.

    Although the writer of Walden is an American lived over a century ago, this book never is outmoded. Walden has gained more and more reputation especially serves as an instruction for us to maintain our sympathy towards nature when we are armed with technological competence currently. Thoreau has improved his experiment that man can live harmoniously with nature instead of breaking up it in this book. And this is the reason why more and more organizations hammering at environmental protection considers Thoreau as their pioneer. The influence by Thoreau’s Walden is ubiquitous globally instead of only in the US.

    This paper focuses on Henry David Thoreau’s transcendental practice in Walden. And it is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the background of the research. And the second chapter mentions about transcendentalism in details. While in the third chapter the author elaborates Thoreau’s transcendental solitude. Based on the above analysis, the author emphasizes on transcendental practice in Walden in the fourth chapter and this is the most important part of the whole paper. Lastly, the fifth chapter concludes the whole paper. This paper aims at helping the readers to get a better appreciation of Walden.

    Key Words:  Transcendentalism, Walden, Henry David Thoreau, solitude
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