    Abstract Colleen McCullough  is an  excellent woman writer from Australia. Her famous novel The Thorn Birds made a stir after publication in 1977. The novel  followed the emotional experience of three generations of the Celeries, vividly  depicting  a beautiful love story between Meghann Cleary, the heroine and Ralph, a Cardinal.  Meggie, a brave woman who dared to break traditional concepts, was eager to master her own destiny and pursued  a  happy life. She tried her best to get the perfect love with her dedication and persistence. But the cruel reality and the repression of religious power ultimately prevented her.   This thesis will make a deep analysis of the heroine Meggie’s love tragedy from a religious perspective  and  aim  at  revealing  the contradiction between love and religious belief from three aspects. The first part is the embryo of her tragedy, in other words, Meggie’s falling in love with priest Ralph who can’t have love and even can’t have a marriage in the contents of religion. The second part is the development of her tragedy, that’s Meggie’s  sacrifice to her  ideal love  by fighting with God. The third part is the end of her tragedy: the heroine loses her love and finally is defeated by God. The  analysis may help  readers  know more  about religion and the  contradition  of humanity  and pinity. It shows  that love is often filled with tragedy under the influence of Western religion and culture, and good things often interchange  with pain. 50863
    Key words: love tragedy      religion     Meggie   
    摘 要 考琳·麦卡洛是澳大利亚一位杰出的女作家。她的著名小说《荆棘鸟》在1977年出版后,引起了很大的反响。这部小说描写了克利里一家三代人的故事,且生动的刻画了女主人公梅格安▪克利里与后来成为红衣主教的拉尔夫之间缠绵叵测的爱情故事。书中梅吉是个敢于冲破传统、渴望主宰自身命运、追求理想幸福的勇敢的女性,她执着、坚持,想尽一切办法试图收获完美爱情,但现实的残酷、宗教权力的压制最终还是没能让她如愿。 本文将从宗教主义的角度分三个方面深入分析女主人公梅吉的爱情悲剧以此来揭示人性的爱情和宗教信仰之间的矛盾。第一个方面宗教主义背景下悲剧的萌芽即女主人公梅吉爱上神父拉尔夫。然而拉尔夫作为一名神职人员是不能拥有爱情甚至是婚姻的;其次描写宗教主义背景下悲剧的发展即女主人公表现出自己不顾一切与上帝抗横来追求自己的理想爱情;最后描写悲剧的结局即女主人公失去挚爱并且最终被上帝打败。本文通过分析让读者更加深入的了解关于宗教,关于人性与神性的抗争,告诉人们在西方宗教背景的影响下,爱情往往充满了悲剧色彩,而想要获得美好的东西则需付出沉痛代价。 
    毕业论文关键词:爱情悲剧     宗教     梅吉 
















    On Meghann Cleary’s Tragedy in The Thorn Birds from the Religious Perspective Introduction Colleen McCullough was born in Wellington, New South Wales, Australia  in 1937. Her famous novel The Thorn Birds  created much of a stir after publication in 1977 and had set records for sales and popularity. Published in 1977, it was listed on New York Times best seller rankings for 59 weeks, and soon sold 30 million copies worldwide. It was called as Australia’s Gone with the wind. The Thorn Birds  is known all over the world. This  novel mainly tells  a story about dreams, struggles and aspirations of family Cleary which centers on the main line of heroine Meggie and priest Ralph’s love. There are also lots of studies on The Thorn Birds  home and aboard. Most studies are from the viewpoint of  women’s consciousness, heroine’s features and love tragedy. Tong Lei and Shen Qiumin (2010: 59-60) explored the love tragedy under the religious rule. And Song Linlin (2010: 22-23) analyzed love tragedy and religious culture. Besides, Chen Jingyan (2009: 27-29) analyzed Meggie and Ralph’s love tragedy.  All of these  studies  reveal  the beauty  of  love tragedy which  caused by  conflicts between  human’s love  and God’s asceticism.   This  thesis  makes  a deep analysis of  Meggie’s love tragedy  from religious perspective and aims at revealing  the contradiction between love and religious belief. As an ideology, religion  plays  an incalculable role in shaping Western culture characteristics  and  continues to  impact Western culture 源`自`优尔?文-论/文`网[www.youerw.com

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