
    . It has  a huge impact on  all aspects and at all levels of people’s life. Besides, priests are in a very special position under  this background. They are  the spreader and  implementer of religious doctrine. On  the one hand,  they have to  serve God wholeheartedly; On the other hand, priest can’t have relationship with any female. In this case, the priest must go through a battle between spirit and flesh. For this reason, priest Ralph had to make a choice between Meggie and God. This also foreshadows Meggie’s love tragedy. This thesis analyzes Meggie’s love  tragedy  from three aspects. The first part is the embryo of her tragedy, in other words Meggie falling in love with Ralph who is a priest can’t have love and even can’t have a marriage in the contents of religion. The second part is the development of her  tragedy. The heroine sacrifices herself to purse ideal love by fighting with God. In the progress of the battle she devotes herself to an unfortunate marriage and this marriage forces her feeling of revolt more  intense. The third part is the end of her tragedy. Meggie was pregnant with priest Ralph’s child and she thought has beaten God. However, their  son decides to devote himself to God when he grows up and Meggie falls into despair. Nonetheless, this is not the end, her son died on the way of pilgrimage and Ralph also dies in her bosom at last and Meggie is defeated after all in the conflict with God.

  1. 上一篇:从小人物形象看欧亨利的人性观
  2. 下一篇:《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中汤姆命运的研究
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