    The Narration, the Comparison, and the Sub-raise in Shakespeare’s Sonnets Abstract Shakespeare's Sonnets is the title of a collection of 154 sonnets accredited to William Shakespeare which cover themes such as the passage of time, love, beauty and mortality. 51635
    Classical Chinese poetry are being played off the strict demands of the meter, the rhyme, the rules in lexical devices as well as the sonnets. From Classical Chinese poetry theory and the system of appreciation, there are three basic techniques of expression, the Narration, the Comparison and the Sub-raise (Mao’s poetic preface, the preface to the Book of Songs ), and also the essential requests for Chinese classical poem.
    This thesis consist five part, an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion.
    The introduction gives the background of this thesis, main survey of Shakespeare’s sonnet, including the rhyme, the sequence, the structure, etc.
    Three chapters are three parts of analysis and appreciation from the view of Classical Chinese Literary Criticism :the Narration (Fu), the Comparison (Bi) and the Sub-raise (Xing). With the typical example of Chinese poetry (The book of Songs), three chapters of this thesis analysis and appreciation the sonnet are as follow: Narration, two aspects: narrating in detail and narrating in straightforward; Comparison, focus on the lexical device, such as, metaphor, similar, metonymy and others; Sub-rasise, it happens between the “images” and the “feelings”, the “images” are projected with the “similarities”, and implicated with the “contiguity”, and the Sub-raise is appreciated as those four aspects (above). In this part, three questions has been discussed:
    (1) From the view of Chinese Literary Criticism, how does the narration use in Shakespeare’s sonnets ?
    (2) Is there some preference in comparison use for Shakespeare, and what is the similarities and difficulties with Chinese style?
    (3) Does Shakespeare used the sub-raise(Xing) in sonnet? If yes, what is the difference with Chinese poetry.
    The last part is the conclusion. The whole thesis is summarized with the content and analyzed the above problems .Furthermore, the author draw the following conclusion: In narration part, sonnets are well-organized in narration(from narrating in detail and straightforward). Shakespeare are also skilled in comparison, with the favored devices: metaphor and metonymy. Sub-raise are applied in sonnets, but different from Chinese poetry with the similarities and contiguity of images.
    According the analysis and appreciation,the author express the reflection of new terms of appreciation on sonnets and the view of aesthetic values. But it is only an attempt to be made and welcome to improvement and discussion
    Key words: Sonnets, Shakespeare, the narration, the comparison, the sub-raise, appreciation
    本文以中国古典诗歌理论为依据,通过对比中国古诗(主要以《诗经》为例)中赋、比、兴的典型运用,分析鉴赏莎士比亚的十四行诗中对应相关应用,其中,赋的分析内容包括十四行诗中的采用的叙述手法:直接描写、细节描写,兴则更多的向修辞方向(lexical device)研究,如比较、明喻、暗喻、借代等,兴是透过过其意象、情感处理、象征语等方面分析探究其意象相似性(Similarity)与情感创设毗连性(Contiguity), 同时,研究在鉴赏分析的同时,对一下三个问题进行了讨论:
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