    Social Causes of Emily’s Tragic Fate Abstract As Faulkner, the writer of this novel, eagers to expose the social problems in the Southern society, this paper seeks to explore the social cause of Emily’s tragedy by analyzing the attitudes and behavior of her relatives and townspeople, in which the problems in the Southern society are to be revealed.51647
    Through the observation of people’s behavior and the review of early researches, it has been demonstrated three social problems in the old South: fogyish moral values, hypocrisy and the impotence of government.
    As for Fogyish moral values, Emily’s family hold patriarchal and aristocratism values and prevent Emily from true love. Aristocratism of townspeople proceeds to restrain Emily’s nature. In terms of hypocrisy, the townspeople and Homer speciously help Emily but actually hurt her. What’s more, the impotence of government further alienated Emily from the society.
    This article finds out various social problems in the Southern society which lead Emily to a tragic end.
    Keywords: social causes; tragic fate; fogyish moral values; hypocrisy; governmental impotence
    1. Introduction    1
    2. Fogyish moral values    3
    2.1 Patriarchy    3
    2.1 Aristocratism    3
    3. Hypocrisy    6
    4. The impotence of government    8
    4.1 The impotence of old government    8
    4.2 The impotence of modern government    8
    5. Conclusion    10
    References    11
    1. Introduction
    For many years after the Civil War, the Southerners suffered profoundly from defeat and shame. In order to ease themselves, the Southerners turned to the splendid past. However, Faulkner and the intellectuals were different. Faulkner exposed and criticized profoundly the problems, such as slavery and patriarchal society. In the Southern history and present Yoknapatawpha novels depicted a vivid history scroll of southern American society and A Rose for Emily is one of them.
    Due to its acute description, ingenious structure and its special Faulkner’s style, this story has been studied from various perspectives: symbolism, stylistics, patriarchal society and feminism, etc. The cause of Emily’s tragedy has also been widely researched. Many researchers attributed her tragedy to her eccentric and arrogant personality (黄桂平, 2007; Li, 2010; 谢秀娟, 2015). However, the social problems that externally generate Emily’s tragedy remain to be further investigated from the observation of people’s behavior.
    It has been suggested that Emily’s father in whose mind old moral values are deep-rooted has a huge and negative impact on the cultivation of her personality (Lin, 2010; Zhu, 2011). Many researchers also point out that Mr. Grierson, with rigid ideas of social status, is accustomed to dominating and intimidating others. And there is no doubt that his patriarchal upbringing is the basic element that cultivates the personality of Emily and drives Emily to a tragic end (Zhu, 2011; Wang, 2013; Lin, 2010). Du Fang also points out that Emily was brought up in a distinguished family and isolated from the society by her despotic father which impelled Emily to maintain her aristocratic dignity without the ability to appropriate handle her relationship with others (Du,  2007).In her father’s life time, Emily is deeply interfered by his old moral values, one of the problems in the Southern Society. After his death, Emily still can’t get rid of her tragic fate. Therefore, the patriarchal family can not crucially generate the miserable fate of Emily as she tries to eschew the negative influence of her father. Other problems in the Southern society which succeeds to facilitate Emily’s tragedy remain to be further investigated.
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