
    1.1 Virginia Woolf and Orlando

    Virginia Woolf who was born on January 25th 1882 and passed away on March 28th 1941, is a British female writer, a literary critic, a literary theorist, and a representative of the stream of consciousness. She is hailed as the pioneer of modernism and feminism in the twentieth Century. During the two world wars, she is a central figure in the literary world of London, and at the same time she is also the central member of the Bloomsbury Group. Her most famous novels include Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and so on. In her whole life, Woolf was very industrial, and she has written a large number of novels, essays, diaries and other forms of literature works. Woolf thinks that in the process of writing, the writer has to abandon the complex physical appearances in search of the essence of nature and life to find the meaning of human beings'  existence, and feel the truth and the philosophy of life.

        Orlando is a novel with the most exaggerated and romantic autobiographical features published by British writer Virginia Woolf in 1928,according to Trautmann Joanne in his work Congenial Spirits: The Selected Letters of Virginia Woolf(Joanne,1989). It records the transition of the hero Orlando who was a man in the 16th century and became a women in the 20th century, and who had a complete dual personality which has contributed to the realization of his value of life. Since its publication in 1928, the novel was regarded as the heterogeneous one among Woolf's works, for the book shows the vagaries of genders without the boundaries of time and space, as well as the narrator' s mocking tone and playing style which made the traditional critics helpless, so it is difficult to be classified. Fleishman Avrom suggested in his work Virginia Woolf: A Critical Reading that the satire and criticism of the gender conflicts in Orlando, confirms the French feminists'  thoughts, especially Kristeva's theory(Avrom,1975). The common parts of Virginia Woolf and Kristeva's idea did not agree with exaggerating the differences between men and women, but they emphasized the genders' inclusion, which is the positive direction of contemporary feminist literary theory.

    1.2 Orlando 

        Orlando ws a noble handsome boy, and was favored by Queen Elizabeth in the palace. During the rule of King James he lost the favor, lived in the countryside,and was obsessed with literature. After becoming an outstanding Turkish envoy, he went to Constantinople but at that night of rebellion, he spent a night with a dancer, and was sleeping for a few days. After waking up he was unexpectedly into a female body,without the slightest change of his appearance. She returned to the Britain, became a member in the upper class, and met with  Pope, Addison, and some other famous writers. Then she married to a captain and had a baby with him. At her middle age, her poetry has won many prizes, and her literary ideas and writing skills are getting more and more mature. The spirit of her also tended to be perfect to some extent. From the sixteenth Century to the year of 1928, Orlando's life lasted for four hundred years. Daiches David thought that Orlando with humorous and sarcastic style implements Virginia Woolf's feminist ideas, which were payed attention by the later feminist critics in his work Virginia Woolf(David, 1945). Through the creation of Orlando, Woolf has been free from the feminine' s self constriction of Victorian Age, and confirmed the confidence of women writers under the suppression of male discourse' s hegemony according to Li Chunyan(Li, 2004). She also recognized the limitations of a single sex, which prompted her to seek the common liberation of men and women.

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