
    Abstract Humanistic psychology not only has a significant impact on psychology, it also affects the education reform since the 20th century. Since traditional English teaching methods can not adapt the requirements of the information age, motivation has undoubtedly affected second language learning. It is generally considered as one of the main factors of second language learning achievement. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate English learning motivation for primary students. In light of its important role in the language teaching process, we should pay more attention to the research and cultivation of learning motivation in order to get a better learning achievement. 53101

    This paper mainly discusses the primary school students’ English learning motivation in English teaching from the perspective of humanistic theory, and analyses the definition of motivation, the classification of motivation and the strategies of cultivating English learning motivation of primary students.

    Keywords: humanistic theory; primary students; English learning motivation;strategy





    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 The Theory of Humanistic Learning 2

    2.2 Definition of Motivation 3

    2.3 Summary 4

    3. Classification of Motivation 4

    3.1 The Integrative and Instrumental Motivation 4

    3.2 The Internal and External Motivation 5

    4. Strategies of Cultivating English Learning Motivation 5

    4.1 Make Use of Multimedia in English Teaching 6

    4.2 Establish a Harmonious Relationship between Teachers and Students 7

    4.3 Cultivate English Learning Emotion and Strengthen Self-confidence 9

    4.4 Organize Creative Activities and Pay Attention to Personality 10

    5. Conclusion 11

    Works Cited 12 

    1. Introduction 

    More and more facts have proven that the humanist education idea caught the soul of education in a great extent. Humanistic education theory thinks that education should be student-oriented, promote the development of students’ personality, release students’ potential, and promote students to study and work creatively. As we all know, to a large extent, the mode of student-centered education relies on students’ subjective initiative. A good learner must be an active learner. Motivation plays an important role in our daily life. No matter what he does, he has his purposes. These purposes lead people to do something what they want to do and give people the right direction. Motivation is considered as the most positive factor to promote students’ English learning. Therefore, motivation is very essential in the learning of the foreign language. English class is student-oriented; student is the master of learning. As a teacher, of course, we should appreciate for students’ participation. 

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