
    Abstract To constantly make breakthroughs in expanding translatability, many scholars and specialists at home and abroad attempt to use perse strategies and methods to gain a better version of translation. When taking advantage of various strategies, translators should take into account many aspects. Among them is the orientation of translation, which can be officially pided into two basic terms. One is domestication and the other foreignization. This pair seems to be opposite, but in fact, they can be reasonably combined to realize the maximization of the extent of translatability.53811

    Keywords: translatability; untranslatability; domestication; foreignization




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. The Definition of Translatability and Untranslatability 2

    4. The Definition of Domestication and Foreignization 3

    5.The Relationship of Domestication, Foreignization and Translatability 3

    6. The Choice between Domestication and Foreignization 4

    6.1 The strengths and weaknesses of domestication and foreignization 4

    6.2 Target language culture oriented (domestication) examples 6

    6.3 Source language culture oriented (foreignization) examples 8

    7. The Dynamic Combination of Domestication and Foreignization 10

    8. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 14

    1. Introduction

    Thanks to the advent of globalization, the communication between countries is on the rise and the planet is becoming as small as a village. While this has brought about many advantages—one example is that people’s horizon has been broadened, some problems such as cultural misunderstandings have also emerged. As a matter of fact, it is different traditions, cultures and languages that have caused those misunderstandings. On this condition, a growing number of people realize the significant role of translation whose main job is to achieve an efficient idea exchanges between two different languages. Nowadays, translation is essential in many countries. China, as the biggest emerging economy, is setting foot in the international community, so efficient translation is part and parcel for China and for its people to participate in global affairs. However, Chinese and English are two completely different languages rooted in stark various soils. Thus, translation entails great efforts. To achieve a better version of cross-cultural translation, many translators devote much time and energy to studying how to narrow the gap and how to achieve efficient communication at large.

    2. Literature Review源/自:优尔:;论-文'网www.youerw.com

    In the past, there was a controversial discussion on which one, domestication or foreignization, has an edge over the other. However, such argument was substituted by the idea of the dynamic combination of the two strategies recently. Just as Zhang Haili considers, in order to maximize the translatability of a text, translators are supposed to combine the two strategies so that the fortes of the two can be given into full play. (Zhang Haili,70) Also, Guo Jianzhong sees eye to eye with Zhang. He contends that both methods may be justified in their own right if we take into consideration the differences in the purpose of translation, the type of texts, the intention of the author and the readership. (Guo Jianzhong,12) Nevertheless, in spite of favoring the dynamic combination, some scholars may still prefer to one rather than the other. Take Sun Zhili for instance. He stresses that neither of the two translating strategies should be understated, but foreignization will be the preferred strategy of literary translation in China in the 21st century. (Sun Zhili,40) By contrast, Cai Ping strongly advocates that for the sake of smoothness, foreignization should always give way to domestication. (Cai Ping,39) At the same time, he never denies the importance of the combination. As to the author, both adaptation and alienation should be given fair emphasis. This is a point which is often ignored by some specialists. Thus, this paper is intended to focus on the dynamic integration of the aforementioned two translating strategies. The thesis comprises 3 parts. The first one will give a brief introduction to translatability, domestication, foreignization and the relationship between them. Then, the second part will make full use of typical cases to make a comparison between the two translating strategies. Finally, the last part will pay special attention to the dynamic combination of domestication and foreignization. In this way, readers are able to get a closer look at the advantages brought by the combination. 

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