
    Abstract In the United States, many different ethnic groups and cultures mix up, and this is a significant social phenomenon. People from different ethnic backgrounds are more or less influenced by their ethnicity and characteristics of their national languages when they speak English. The term African American Vernacular English (AAVE) refers to the informal language spoken by a great number of lower-class black people in America. AAVE has distinct and systematic features and has become a unique variety of English. Over the past decades, AAVE has gradually been an important social dialect. The main reason is that African American community has taken up an important place in social class. AAVE is different from Standard American English,but there are lots of rules and regulations. That is to say, we can find certain rules in the variation of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar of AAVE. Language is considered as a carrier of culture and it can reflect the development and change of society. This thesis, based on relevant theories, origins and linguistic features of AAVE, analyzes its influence on American mainstream culture, including language, music and literature.53816

    Keywords: African American Vernacular English; variety of English; cultural influence 




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 Ethnic Varieties of English 1

    2.2 The Term of AAVE 2

    3. Origins of AAVE 2

    3.1 The Anglicist Hypothesis 3

    3.2 The Creolist Hypothesis 3

    3.3 The Neo-Anglicist Hypothesis 4

    4. Features of AAVE 4

    4.1 Phonological Features 4

    4.2 Syntactic Features 6

    4.3 Lexical Features 7

    5. Cultural Influence of AAVE 8

    5.1 The Influence on Standard American English 8

    5.2 The Influence on American Music 10

    5.3 The Influence on American Literature 11

    6. Conclusion 13

    Works Cited 14

     1. Introduction

    We have probably heard specimens of Black American English even if most of us have never been to the United States, either in American movies or in rap music. Its sounds and intonation make it very easy to identify. Black English was always discriminated and oppressed, so African Americans had hostile feelings towards white mainstream culture. In order to show their racial identity, black Americans managed to develop a new language system which was quite different from American Standard English. Before 1960s, a large number of people held that African American Vernacular English (AAVE) was “bad English”, and for many years, it has been considered as a substandard or deficient dialect. However, with the rapid development of sociolinguistics and the great improvement of black people’s social status, this view has no standpoint now. AAVE, like any other dialect, is very rigidly constructed set of speech patterns with its own distinctive features in phonetics, syntax, and vocabulary. Served as a very important tool of communication, AAVE, spoken by a large number of black Americans, has played a significant role for black Americans in striving for freedom and culture development. A great many black composers, writers and artists try to employ AAVE to finish their works and fight against racism. More importantly, due to the independence and integration of different language cultures, AAVE has exerted important influences on Standard American English and other aspects such as music and literature and these influences may last for a long time. Nowadays, with the promotion of Standard American English, AAVE also enjoys rapid development. Thus, it is of great significance to investigate the development and influence of this variety. 源/自:优尔:;论-文'网www.youerw.com

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