

    本文以跨文化交际背景下大学课堂上的社交语用失误为出发点, 分析了社交语用失误的类型和产生的原因,并且针对其提出了相关解决对策,以期能提高中国学生的跨文化交际能力及英语学习能力。


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1. Cross-cultural Communication 2

    2.2 Sociopragmatic Failure 3

    2.3 Previous Studies 4

    3. The Classifications of Sociopragmatic Failure in College Class 5

    3.1 Greeting 5

    3.2 Appellation 6

    3.3 Introduction 7

    3.4 Thanks 7

    3.5 Appreciation 8

    4.The Reasons of Sociopragmatic Failure in Cross-cultural Communication in college class 9

    4.1 Subjective Reasons 9

    4.2 Objective Reasons 11

    5. Strategies for Avoiding Sociopragmatic Failure in Cross-cultural Communication 15

    5.1 The Development of Cross-cultural Understanding 15

    5.2 The Development of Cross-cultural Communicative Competence 17

    5.3 The Cultivation of Sociopragmatic Competence 19

    6. Conclusion 20

    Works Cited 22

    1. Introduction

    As we all know, the ultimate goal of English language teaching is to cultivate students’ communicative competence. One of its essential components is the competence to choose appropriate linguistic forms in different contexts. In other words, it means the ability to use English correctly in social contacts, and the most representative one is the ability to use it in cross-cultural communication. 

    With the development of economy and technology, global village is becoming into reality. The communications among different regions and countries reveal its great importance gradually. Thus the ability to communicate with people from different cultures becomes more and more important.源/自:优尔:;论-文'网www.youerw.com

    However, cross-cultural communications are not simple and many factors may lead to its breaking down. And pragmatic failure is one of its fatal causes. Thus, it is important for us to probe the sources of pragmatic failure. In our country, the research of pragmatic failure started in 1980s. Many linguists, such as Hu Zhuanglin, Gu Tongqing and Hong Gang, have already made many studies on it. What’s more, many of them have ever made researches on college students’ pragmatic failure. However, few of them have focused their studies on college students’ sociopragmatic failure, not mention to put forward elaborate strategies to solve it. 

    Therefore, this thesis mainly aims to analyze sociopragmatic failure shown by college students in cross-cultural communication and then puts forward several strategies to avoid it by probing the classifications and reasons. This thesis tries to explore the causes of sociopragmatic failure in college and find elaborate methods to solve it in order to improve learners’ communicative competence. 

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