
    Abstract Twilight is a series of five vampire-themed gothic novels by American female writer Stephenie Meyer. It describes the story of a teenage girl Bella Swan, who moves to Forks, and then falls in love with a vampire. The author uses horrific scenes, supernatural abilities and many other unique factors of female gothic fictions to show Bella’s braveness and courage. Now, gothic literature becomes more and more acceptable to people. As the representative works of female gothic novels, Twilight series are highly praised for its rational treatment of sexuality and morality. The story is unique and entertaining, so it has attracted a lot of people to read it. In recent years, Twilight series have been adapted to films and brought great commercial benefits. According to the survey, we can find that female gothic has developed rapidly and become a main-stream literature. The study of female gothic works is also meaningful to oppressed women in modern society. Bella’s rebellion consciousness tells us that women should learn to protect themselves. The current study aims to open up a window for those who are concerned about female gothic, and stimulate people to make a further study on Twilight.53814

    Keywords: female gothic; Twilight; Bella




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 Development of gothic theory 1

    2.2 Development of female gothic theory 3

    3. Female Gothic Embodied in Twilight 4

    3.1 Female gothic embodied in Bella 5

    3.2 Female gothic embodied in environment and supernatural elements 6

    3.3 Differences between female gothic in the novel and traditional female gothic 7

    4. Contribution to Gothic Literature 8

    4.1 Weakening of the horrible atmosphere 9

    4.2 Contribution of its adaption 10

    5. Conclusion 11

    Works Cited 12

    1. Introduction 

    Stephanie Meyer is an American young fiction writer and film producer, best known for her vampire romance series Twilight. The series includes five parts, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, and Midnight Sun. Twilight has been translated into different languages and gained recognition worldwide. Meyer was the best selling writer in 2008 in America, and her masterpiece Twilight was the best-selling book in 2008 in US bookstores and has sold over 100 million copies. “Meyer was one of the most worldwide influential figures in May 2008 and one of the most promising new authors of 2005"(Xu Zhenglin, 2007:126). Meyer ranked No. 49 on Times magazine's list of the "100 Most Influential People in 2008".and ranked No. 26 in the Forbes Celebrity 100 list of the world's most powerful celebrities in 2009.

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