
毕业论文关键词  圣经  女性zhuyi  自由女性zhuyi  圣经中的女性人物  女性人物分析

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Liberal Feminism Analysis from the Bible Characters   

Abstract Female images in the Bible are unique not only because of their characterization or artistic influence, but also the embodiment of Liberal feminism at that time when women did not have adequate social status。 Liberal feminism is concerned with inpidual rights, freedoms and striving for sexual equality via down-to-earth political and legal reform。 This paper is aimed at analyzing the social status and conditions of female characters in the Bible through the Liberal feminism theory to explore the major elements of Liberal feminism, their significance and historical influence of female characters in the Bible。 This thesis will combine the Liberal feminism theory with Biblical female figures, as a complement of Liberal feminism and Biblical literature study, which also provides a new perspective of analyzing the Biblical characters。 

Keywords  The Holy Bible  Feminism  Liberal feminism  female characters in the Bible feminism analysis

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1

1。1   Research Background 1

1。2 Significance of the Study 1

2 Literature Review 3

2。1   Previous Research Abroad 3

2。2   Previous Research in China 4

3   Liberal Feminism Review 7

3。1   The Definition of Liberal Feminism 7

3。2   Liberal Feminism in the Bible 8

4 An Analysis of Liberal Feminism in the Biblical Characters 12

4。1   Women in the Bible 12

4。2   Political Equality Analysis: the Queen of Sheba and Jezebel 13

4。3   Spiritual Equality Analysis: Mary 18

4。4   Social Equality Analysis: Ruth and Tamar 21

Conclusion 29

References 31

1 Introduction

1。1Research Background

Liberal feminism was mainly generated from the second half of the 19th century until the 1920s first feminist movement wave, which is the starting point for all genres of feminism。 From the Liberal feminism in Feminist Biblical Studies in the 1970s, many scholars evaluated their opinions of all women in the Bible as either irrational and unfit for public responsibility or positive characters; Fuchs Esther (2008) agreed that “The Bible cannot be accepted or rejected as a whole, its teachings are varied and its lessons differ widely from each other (Fuchs, 2008, p。 47)。” 

















