
    4. Research from feminist perspective, for example, For-Genress, Elizabeth’s Scarlett O’Hara: the Southern Lady as New Woman. She regards Scarlett as an independent, confident, competent, strong as well as rebellious new woman.

      In China, Fu Donghua translated Gone with the Wind into Chinese in 1940.Since then, its reputation in China experienced the change from a reactive popular to a masterpiece of world literature. 

     The character which attracts most critics and scholars is the female protagonist of the novel-Scarlett O’ Hara. Due to the complexities of Scarlett, critics study her from different aspects with different focuses. Zhao Junbo, in his article Analysis of Scarlett O’Hara in the Feminist Approach Based on the Novel Gone with the Wind published in Science and Technology Information in 2009. He analyzes the theme of this novel in three aspects: Scarlett’s rebelling against the orthodoxy, Scarlett’s growth and Scarlett’s love. In his point of view, Scarlett is an independent, brave, shrewd and also successful woman.

      Despite the analysis of Scarlett in the feminist perspective, some researchers pay their attention to the course of Scarlett’s love pursuit. Bing Wen, in her article, Gone with the Wind-A Course of Scarlett’s Love Pursuit analyzes Scarlett from her love experience and her sentimental relationships with Rhett, Ashley as well as Tara. The good point of this article is that she not only mentions Scarlett’s love with Ashley and Rhett but also reveals Scarlett’s affection and relationship with Tara which plays an important role in her pursuit of love. Wu Xiaopeng tries to focus on the realistic aspect of this character. He deems that all of Scarlett’s marriages are to get away from her miserable life. Researches did by home and abroad scholars and authors do attribute a lot to readers appreciate the novel.

     Since this thesis will analyze Scarlett’s growth process from the feminist perspective. Therefore, it might be necessary to have a brief review to the feminist theory.

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