
    The eating culture, as global and popular media, plays a direct role in the dissemination and communication between different ways of thinking and helps greatly in understanding the original script and recognizing the similarities and differences between the source language and the target language. Cuisine has always been regarded as an important symbol of culture, especially the Chinese cuisine, which has been popular for centuries for its long history and special favor. We can see that it is significant to know its eating habits for understanding the Chinese culture. By studying Huaiyang cuisine translation, we can show the world Huiyang people’s particular living customs so as to help them comprehend more about the social convention in Huaiyang district. 源/自:优尔:`论~文'网www.youerw.com

    2. Literature Review

    2.1 An Overview of Chinese and Western Cuisine Cultures

    Traditionally, cuisine culture includes the exploitation and use of raw materials of food, the application and innovation of table wares, the production and consumption of food, the service in catering industry, the management and government of catering and food industry, as well as the relation between cuisine and stable development of a country, between cuisine and literature, between cuisine and life state and so on.       

    Chinese culinary culture is rooted in China’s long history, vast territory and extensive contact with other nations and cultures. With centuries of creative and accumulative efforts, the Chinese cuisines have become increasingly popular among more and more foreign countries, and functions as a bridge of friendship in China's exchanges with foreign countries in culture. Traditional Chinese philosophy has formed the idea of pneuma and that being and not-being grow out of each other, the unity of heaven and man, and the emphasis on overall functionality, so unique Chinese cuisine culture has been formed, e.g. the ecological idea of correspondence between man and universe, nutritional consciousness of diet therapy, as well as the gourmet concept of “five reconcile”(the five flavors: sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, and salty). First of all, it is known that Chinese cuisine attaches great importance to the three essential factors----color, aroma and taste and the seven so-called basic daily needs: firewood, rice, oil, salt sauces, vinegar, and tea, they all have deep relations to diet. Moreover, Chinese cuisine has long been closely related to traditional Chinese medicine. Ginseng, Walnut, Chinese angelica, and the fruit of Chinese wolfberry are often used as accessory, which more or less has something to do with Yin and Yang. It is believed that Yin and Yang governs all of life and nature. The original meanings of Yang and Yin were the sunny side of a hill and the shady side. Yang means the bright and warm aspects of the world and males have more Yang quality while Yin is the dark and cool aspect and females have more Yin quality. Some of the food materials can provide human beings with Yang quality while the other materials with Yin quality. We can see that the core of Chinese cuisine culture is its unique diet ideology and the food structure under its influence.

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