
    Abstract Along with the challenge against the traditional classroom teaching mode, teacher-centered mode of teaching is generally replaced by the student-centered mode of teaching. With the development of the theories of Constructivism and humanism, people pay more attention to the students’ autonomy learning. In English curriculum, it is importance of improving the teaching effort and stimulating students’ learning interests. The student-centered teaching model puts students’ needs and their learning on the first place and shows great concerns for the cultivation of students’ communicative competence. This thesis is based on Constructivism, focusing on the role of teachers in the interactive activities in the student-centered class. This thesis is also concerned with the ways of carrying out the student-centered approach and changing ideas from teacher-centered to student-centered.53841

    Key words: student-centered teaching; teacher-centered teaching; Constructivism; Humanism; teaching approach




    1. Introduction...1

    2. Literature Review..2

    3. Current situation of English Class Teaching in Secondary School3

    3.1The difficulties of student-centered English class teaching.4

    3.2The necessity of student-centered English class teaching..5

    3.3The comparison between student-centered and teacher-centered teaching6 

    4. Applications of Student-centered approach to English Class8 

    4.1 Guide students to do self-study8.

    4.1.1 Write detailed lesson plans8

    4.1.2 Teach good note-taking skills..9

    4.1.3 Keep students motivated..10

    4.2 Carry out interactive teaching approach10

    4.3 Have role-playing performance..12

    5. Conclusion13

    Works Cited.14 

    1. Introduction

    Traditionally, in English class, teacher is the center and students follow teachers’ mind. Basically, it is teacher-centered, which is contrast to the view of student-centered. Actually, the center of teaching activities doesn’t focus on teaching but learning. With the development of society, learning has become necessary for human to survive. Education is not only the basic condition of employment, but the necessary for reemployment. Therefore, in the modern educational system, student is the center of learning consciously. 源/自:优尔:`论~文'网www.youerw.com

    Before a hundred year, different approaches to language teaching have been applied along with a great deal of controversial comment. From these comments, a great view can be put up. Whether good or bad a teaching approach cannot be judge absolutely. Every method has its special purpose and achieved the intended result. The Grammar-Translation Method, the Community Language Teaching, the Natural approach, and the Communicative language teaching have all contributed potentially useful ideas to English Teaching (Davies,2000:195 ). 

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