摘要在当今社会,互联网的快速发展给人类生活的各个领域带来越来越重要的影响。 随着全球化的逐步发展,人与人的交往已不再像以往一样仅限于本地区的交流,在跨文化交际方面,第二语言正在巧妙的发挥着它的作用。二语习得是对第二语言与外语在自然与课堂环境下的语言的学习的研究,它侧重于将二语的潜在能力通过对二语的规则的掌握而表现出来的语言行为。本文首先介绍了二语习得的概念及相关特点,之后又分析了因特网对英语学习的优势,最后从语言能力,文化意识和兴趣动机三方面阐述了因特网对中学生英语习得的辅助作用。82604


Abstract In current days,the Internet plays a more and more important role in every aspect of human’s modern lives。 As the world is being globalized, interpersonal communication is no longer limited by the region as usual and the second language is playing an essential role cleverly in intercultural communication。 Second language acquisition research began to be recognized as an independent discipline and it studies how a second language is learned and used。 The SLA is a scientific discipline that tries to describe how people learn and use another language。 This paper begins with the study of the second language acquisition and then presents the function of the Internet and its advantages for English learning。 At last, the thesis analyzes the assisting functions of the Internet in middle school students’ English learning。

Key words: SLA; Internet advantages; assisting functions


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

Ⅱ。The Brief Introduction of SLA 2

2。1 The Definition and Goals of SLA 2

2。2 The Factors that Can Affect SLA 2

2。3 The Present Condition of Middle School Students’ English Learning 3

2。4 The Combination of SLA and Students’ English Acquisition 4

Ⅲ。Basic Functions of the Internet and Advantages for English Learning 5

3。1 Basic Functions of the Internet 6

3。2 Advantages of the Internet for English Learning 7

Ⅳ。 The Assisting Functions of the Internet in SLA 8

4。1 The Functions of the Internet in Students’ Language Skills 9

4。2 The Functions of the Internet in Students’ Cultural Awareness 9

4。3 The Functions of the Internet in Students’ Learning Interest and Motivation 10

Ⅴ。 Conclusion 11

Bibliography 14

Acknowledgements 15

The Assisting Functions of the Internet in Middle School Students’ English Acquisition

I。 Introduction

    Second language acquisition is a complex cognitive activity。 After the development of more than 30 years, the linguistics, psychology, psycholinguistics, pragmatics and sociolinguistics are included in second language acquisition。 SLA is a branch of applied linguistics course and the interlanguage study, research on learners’ internal and external factors can affect the research of second language acquisition (Ellls,114)。 In the era of rapid development of science and technology, Network is permeating every aspect of our lives and Network education will become a new fashion。 Network education, just as the name suggests, it is playing the advantages and through the use of network technology can help learners learn a particular area of knowledge。 For middle school students, online education is also very important for them。 The Internet has innovative content and a large capacity and also it has the characteristics of interesting, timely and close to life。 The Internet is a collection of entertainment and information and through which the students can learn English better and get a lot of good reading materials。 For more than 30 years, the second language acquisition develops well。

















