
    Abstract Due to the different cultural traditions, there are many kinds of differences in the marriage concepts between Chinese and Americans. As the representative works of Chinese writers who are the second generation of immigrants, The Joy Luck Club is the best sample to research the differences in marriage concepts between Chinese and Americans. The conflicts among the characters mainly reveal the three differences in marriage concepts: the method of choosing a spouse, the purpose of marriage and family status. Whereas the differences can be explained by various theories, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, which has a considerable influence in the field of intercultural theories, offers one of the most powerful explanations for these differences. Therefore, this thesis analyzes the reasons for the differences in marriage from three of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions: inpidualism vs. collectivism, long-term vs. short-term orientation and power distance. This thesis aims to promote the communication and understanding between the two countries and establish a more harmonious world.54290

    Keywords: cultural difference; The Joy Luck Club; marriage concepts; cultural dimensions theory




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. Major Differences in Marriage Concepts in The Joy Luck Club 3

    3.1 Choosing a Spouse 3

    3.2 The Purpose of Marriage 4

    3.3 Family Status 6

    4. Major Reasons for the Differences 7

    4.1 Inpidualism vs. Collectivism 8

    4.2 Long-term vs. Short-term Orientation 9

    4.3 High Power Distance vs. Low Power Distance 10

    5. Conclusion 11

    Works Cited 13

    1. Introduction 

    The Joy Luck Club is one of the international best-selling novels. Amy Ruth Tan, the author of this novel, is born in 1952 Oakland, California; she is the second generation of a Chinese immigrant family. As a Native American, she cannot get rid of her Chinese complex. She has not only personal experience of American culture but also a deep understanding of Chinese traditional culture. Because of her special origin and experience, she always has a unique perspective and style, so The Joy Luck Club presents several vivid examples of the contrast between different cultures. The Joy Luck Club explores the relationships of Chinese mothers and their Chinese-American daughters in the United States. The four mothers suffer different hardship that forces them to leave China; and the four daughters face their own struggles in their everyday lives. The four mothers immigrate to America to pursue a better life and realize their American Dream. However, the mothers’ dreams about their life in America can never come true. Especially, after they have their own daughters, how to deal with mother-daughter relationships becomes one of the biggest challenges they meet in America. The mothers are born and grow up in China, while their daughters are born in America and educated by American cultures. The former represent Chinese culture, and the latter represent an opposite culture, which may naturally cause conflicts between them. What makes the readers pleased is that the mothers and their daughters have consensus at last because of love and understanding.

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