
    Abstract As a form of art, movie is not only a platform for entertainment or business, but also a carrier of culture which contains abundant cultural knowledge. The culture of a nation can be fully shown in the movie. The movie Guasha presents a fact that conflicts come from different cultures and values due to various histories, politics, economies, and some other factors. Based on these conflicts of law culture between China and the United States embodied in the film, this thesis analyzes the differences of law culture and causes of the differences, in order that we can better understand and respect American culture, eliminate ethnic prejudice and break stereotype, and participate in cross-cultural exchanges actively. Then we can build mutual trust, avoid ethnocentrism, and eliminate the diaphragm of different culture, as well as improve the quality of cross-cultural communication.54291

    Keywords: law culture; differences; Guasha; cross-cultural communication




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 Theoretical Basis 1

    2.2 Studies on Law Culture at Home and Aboard 2

    3. Law Culture Differences Between China and America in the Movie 3

    3.1 Scrapping 3

    3.2 Relationship Between Parents and Children 4

    3.3 The Initiative of Laws 5

    4. Causes of Differences in Law Culture 5

    4.1 Characteristics of Law Culture in China and America 5

    4.2 Political Differences 7

    4.3 Economic Differences 7

    4.4 Cultural Differences 8

    5. Implications for the Attitudes toward Law Culture 9

    5.1 Attitudes toward the Traditional Law Culture of China 9

    5.2 Attitudes toward the Law Culture of America 9

    Works Cited 12

     1. Introduction 

    Because of many factors, such as history, geography and politics, different countries have their own culture and values. With the rapid development of globalization, there are more and more frequent communication between different countries and nations. When people with different cultural backgrounds live together, conflicts will inevitably emerge. Only by understanding each other’s culture and communicating with each other friendly, can we live in harmony. GuaSha demonstrates cultural contradictions and conflicts triggered by guasha, a traditional Chinese medical treatment. However, it was considered evidence of child abuse in America. The movie tries to indicate the trend of integration and coexistence of Chinese and American culture through the family life of Xu Datong in the movie. The movie GuaSha presents a fact that conflicts come from different cultures and values due to various histories, politics, and economies, and so on. Cases in the film reflected that law values of China and America typically belong to two completely different law culture systems. Roots of conflicts between the two parties and their different measures to solve problems just reflected the differences between Chinese and American law culture. Based on the movie Guasha, this thesis, starting from the concrete manifestation of the differences in law culture between China and America in the film, analyzes the causes of differences from the economic, political, cultural and other aspects of the society. In order to better understand and respect American culture, eliminate ethnic prejudice and break stereotype, avoid ethnocentrism, efforts must be taken to eliminate the diaphragm of the different culture, improve the quality of cross-cultural communication, and promote exchanges and cooperation between China and other nations and countries.

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