
    Abstract With the deepening of globalization, different cultures are faced with conflict and integration. Under such circumstance, wedding custom, as an important branch of social culture, is changing constantly. In China, some traditional wedding customs have gradually been abandoned while some western wedding customs are getting more and more popular. This phenomenon arouses the interests of some domestic and overseas scholars. It is necessary to study the differences of wedding customs between eastern and western countries. By means of analyzing these differences, people can get an overall knowledge of wedding customs, and take a reasonable and objective attitude towards cultural conflict and integration. This paper makes a comparison between the process, namely pre-wedding, while-wedding, and post-wedding, of Chinese wedding and that of western wedding. By comparison, the differences of the two wedding customs are shown in a different way. This article will discuss the reasons for these differences from the perspective of historical and cultural background, the perspective of collectivism and inpidualism, and the perspective of love and marriage concepts. By doing so, this paper tries to offer some insightful views on the issue of cultural conflict and integration.54464

    Key words: weeding customs; cultural differences; cultural integration; main reasons

    摘  要随着全球化程度的不断加深,不同的文化面临着冲突和融合。婚俗作为一种重要的文化,也在不断地变化。在中国,人们摈弃了一些传统的婚礼习俗,越来越多的采用西式婚礼习俗。这一现象,引起了许多国内外学者的兴趣。为了能够全面地了解婚俗文化,客观地对待文化冲突与融合,研究中西方婚俗文化差异很有必要。本文从婚礼前,婚礼中和婚礼后三个方面对中西方的婚礼过程做了一个较为全面的对比,从不同的角度揭示中西方婚礼过程的差异。本文还从历史文化层面、集体主义和个人主义的角度和婚恋观视角探讨了形成这些差异的原因。文章希望通过对这些婚俗文化的对比分析,提供一些较为客观的对待文化融合与冲突的见解。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. The Process of Wedding 2

    2.1 Pre-wedding 2

    2.2While-wedding 4

    2.3 Post-wedding 6

    3. Reasons for the Phenomena 8

    3.1 The influence of historical and cultural background 8

    3.2 The influence of collectivism and inpidualism 9

    3.3 The influence of different love and marriage concepts 10

    4. Conclusion 10

    Works Cited 12 

    1. Introduction 

    Marriage is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between the man and the woman. A good marriage not only benefits the whole family but also contributes to the harmony of the society. 

    Wedding customs is an important reflection of marriage. It reflects the special culture of a country. It appeared almost at the same time when marriage turned up. It displays a distinctive aspect of a people’s convention, aesthetic standard, ethical view, social consciousness, and psychological characteristics of the nation. All the cultures contain wedding customs. It announces of the legal contract between the new couple. As human society is developing constantly, wedding customs are accordingly changing constantly.

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