
    Abstract Motivation is generally accepted as one of the main factors determining the success or failure of English learning. A motivated language learner has great interest in language learning and holds a strong belief in improving it. They will get actively involved in the language learning and persevere in working hard to obtain satisfactory achievements. English learning in the phase of the junior middle school plays an important role during the whole process of English learning. The stimulated motivation may help prompt students’ active involvement in English learning and asists them in laying the solid foundation for further learning. At present, related studies on English learning motivation are far from enough in our country. Moreover, much more emphasis should be put on students’ learning motivation in teaching English. The new criterion of junior English curriculum emphasizes the effects of students’ affective attitudes, including motivation, on the learning process and outcomes. This thesis, based on related motivation theories and the current situation of students’ learning motivation in junior middle schools, explores the effective strategies to stimulate students’ English learning motivation.54645

    Key words: English learning motivation; stimulating strategies; junior middle school students




    1. Introduction ...1

    2. Literature Review .2

    2.1 General Viewpoints on Motivation ...2

    2.2 Motivation Researches in Second Language Learning .2

    2.3 Domestic Researches ...3

    3. Theoretical Basis .4

    3.1 Definition of Motivation .4

    3.2 Categories of Motivation .4

    3.3 Leading Motivation Theories ...5

    3.4 Motivation and Other Influential Factors .8

    4. Current Situation of Students’ English Learning Motivation .9

    4.1 Types of Students’ Learning Motivation .9

    4.2 Factors Influencing Students’ Learning Motivation ...9

    5. Strategies for Stimulating Students’ English Learning Motivation11

    5.1 Creating a Relaxing and Positive English Learning Environment .11

    5.2 Improving Teaching Methods .11

    5.3 Enhancing Students’ Confidence in English Learning ...12

    5.4 Helping Students Set Appropriate English Learning Goals .13

    5.5 Strengthening Students’ Awareness of Values in English Learning

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