
    2. Literature Review

    In the literature review, the following contents will be presented, including the definition of literal translation, the definition of Cyber Age and relevant former researchers at home and abroad. 

    2.1 The Definition of the Cyber Age

    The Cyber Age, also commonly known as the Computer Age or Digital Age, is a period in human history, characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the industrial revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on the information computerization. The onset of the Cyber Age is associated with Digital Revolution, just as the Industrial Revolution marked the onset of the Industrial Age. During the Cyber Age, the phenomenon is that the digital industry creates a knowledge-based society surrounded by a high-tech global economy that spans over its influence on how the manufacturing throughput and the service sector operate in an efficient and convenient way and in a commercialized society. 

    2.2 Researches at Home and Abroad 源'自:优尔`!论~文'网www.youerw.com

    Many domestic scholars and foreign scholars have probed into the definition of literal translation. Liu Zhongde’s‘Literal Translation and Free Translation’ and ‘Literal Translation and Free Translation’ are famous articles on free translation and literal translation field.(Liu Chongde, 1990: 64) He points out that literal translation means ‘not to alter the original words and sentences’; profoundly speaking, it still strives ‘to keep the sentiments and style of the original.’ The meaning of the same word used in a sentence is often somewhat different from its annotation in a dictionary. Generally speaking, the definition of literal translation can be concluded as one word----authenticity.

    Tytler also studies the method of literal translation.(Tytler, 2010: 311) Tytler’s method of literal translation includes three main points of view: firstly, A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. Secondly, the style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of original. Thirdly, a translation should have all the ease of the original composition. In his paper “Approaches to Translating in the Western World”, Eugene A. Translation is not just a process for matching words, nor does it involve merely finding comparable grammatical constructions. A good translator must also be concerned about the evident intent of the author. We must notice the capacity of receptors’ faculty of understanding, and the cultural background of the source language before determining to adopt which kinds of translation strategies. 

  1. 上一篇:中国梦和美国梦的对比分析
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