
    Abstract America is the movie center; it exports a large number of movies every year. The movies win huge box offices through the grand scenes and gorgeous computer generated techniques. At the same time, American cultural values spread all over the world with the movies, among which heroism is a widely publicized theme. The thesis discusses the heroism in the Mission Impossible series. Through analyzing the movies, we can know the historical development of the heroism and its characteristics. On the basis of this, the thesis further discusses the reasons for Americans’ focus on heroism in their culture and its implications to us Chinese.54810

    Keywords: American movie; Mission Impossible series; heroism 




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Heroism 1

    2.1 The Definition of Heroism 1

    2.2 Types and Features of Heroism Movies 2

    3. Mission Impossible Series 4

    3.1 Synopsis of Mission Impossible Series 4

    3.2 Heroism Reflected in Mission Impossible Series 5

    4. Reasons for Americans’ Focus on Heroism 7

    4.1 Puritanism 7

    4.2 Westward Movement 7

    4.3 American Dream 8

    4.4 Sense of Crisis 9

    5. Conclusion 9

    Works Cited 11

    1. Introduction 

    When talking about heroism, we must refer to the United States. The United States is a country that worships heroism. American society advocates the spirit of independence and freedom, the value of people as the social members, encouraging inpiduals to rely on their ability to create a better life and benefit the society and the human beings. What Americans respect is inpidual struggle, winning in the merciless social competition, gaining a sense of security and accomplishment, and becoming the industry pioneer and leader. “Compared with other developed countries in Europe, the United States emphasizes much more on personal and business self-reliance, rather than relying on government and social security.” (Wu Qiong, 2011: 373) The history of the United States is one with the accumulation of numerous personal struggles. People came to the North America, with a strong desire to build homes and create a better life, but in the wild new land, people can only rely on their hands. So this kind of heroism originates from within, rather than from the gods. It’s the inner spirit of the free, democratic and anti-authoritarian people. 

    In America, we can find that many literature works about heroism. 源'自:优尔`!论~文'网www.youerw.com For example, in The Old Man and Sea, Hemingway tells us a story of a lonely old Cuban fisherman, experiencing a relentless and agonizing battle with a giant marlin in the Gulf Stream. Besides the literature works, “movies are good presentation of heroism. The heroes in the movie are the most admirable models to modern people and they are praised highly. So we can see Hollywood repeatedly come down to superhero and put them onto the screen.” (Belton, 1994: 21) Mission Impossible series are one of the examples. The series abandon the endless gunfights, shells and fights. “This makes the ‘Brainy is the new sexy’ become a trend again.” (Belton, 1994: 33) 

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