
    2. Literature Review源'自:优尔`!论~文'网www.youerw.com

    Many researches have been made on Persuasion. John Wiltshire has written an article named “Persuasion: The Pathology of Everyday Life”. In this article, he studies the social problems which are revealed in Persuasion. Richard Simpson focuses on the families in Persuasion, and he points out the isolation among the families and the indifferent attitudes toward one another and so on. Laura G. Mooneyham has written a book called Loss and the Language of Restitution in Persuasion. In this book, he talks something about the barrier between Anne and Wentworth, and points out that Persuasion offers several models of how the characters copes with adversity, disappointment and lost opportunities. What’s more, in The Common Reader, Virginia Wolf analyzes the difference between Persuasion and her other works to show that Austen’s world is wider and more mysterious than previous ones, thus further stresses Jane Austen’s romantic viewpoint. 

    Unlike the enthusiasm on Austen’s works in western countries, her last work, Persuasion, is almost unknown by the Chinese, due to the fact that “Persuasion was finished when the author’s writing ability reached the peak of perfection.” (Woolf, 1925: 25) Zhu Hong’s The Research on Austen has been an authentic work about the study of Jane Austen in China. This material includes the comments on Austen’s novels by some well-know western writers and critics, and it also collects some of Jane Austen’s letters. In the book Jane Austen in China, Wang Hong and Xiong Jie give a comprehensive conclusion about the research on Austen in China. They point out that most studies are centered on the work Pride and Prejudice, and the researches are generally from the aspect of feminism. There are fewer researches on Austen’s other works. In his book An brief introduction on Persuasion, Lin Wenchen points out the changes in Austen’s writing style, and analyzes her new narrative style. A Research on the New Traits in Persuasion, an article written by Fan Lina, analyzes the different traits shown in Persuasion from the aspects of its characters’ inner qualities and Jane Austen’s creation of the heroine Anne Elliot. In An Analysis of Jane Austen’s Later View of Marriage, Gong Guimei researches Austen’s different marriage ideas in her old age. And Guo Yan analyzes the feminism reflected in Persuasion in her thesis The Feminism in Jane Austen’s Persuasion.

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