
    Abstract To learn languages well, the key is to learn with great interest. The study starts by introducing the definition of games and has a brief introduction of the practical functions of games. Then the paper explores the relationship between games and language learning. At the same time, according to the present curriculum reform of primary school English teaching in China and the psychological development characteristics of primary school students, the paper probes the functions of games in English learning through some examples of games from the perspective of semantics. However, in the application of games, there may appear a lot of problems. Therefore the teacher should choose suitable games to ensure the efficiency of games. 55312

    Keywords: games; English learning; functions of games; the perspective of semantics

    摘要 学好语言,兴趣是关键。该研究从介绍游戏的定义入手,简单介绍游戏的现实意义,分析游戏和语言学习之间的关系。同时根据小学生的身心特点和现代中国小学英语课程改革现状,从语义角度以充分的实例探讨游戏在小学英语学习中的作用。针对玩游戏时可能出现的问题,教师应选择合适的游戏,以发挥游戏的有效性。



    1. Introduction1

    2. Literature Review…………1

    3. Functions of Games in Primary School English Learning...3

    3.1. Stimulating the interest...3

    3.2. Solving the difficult points.4

    3.3. Developing different skills.4

    3.4. Cultivating the sentiments..5

    3.5. Eliminating fatigue.5

    4. Reason for Functions of Games in Primary School English learning...6

    4.1. Curriculum reform of primary school English teaching in China..6

    4.2. Psychological characteristics of primary school students..6

    4.3. The need of physical and mental development of primary school students...7 

    5. The Application of Games in English Learning from the perspective of semantics..7

    5.1. Games on synonymy...8

    5.2. Games on polysemy8

    5.3. Games on hyponymy..8

    5.4. Games on homonymy.9

    5.5. Games on antonymy.10

    6. Suggestions.10

    7. Conclusion..11

    Works cited.13

     1. Introduction 

    With the development of modern society, communications between the countries of the world is becoming more and more frequent. And English as the most popular language in the world, learning it well is very important. However, nowadays many Chinese tend to pay more attention to Chinese learning and ignore English learning owing to the reform of curriculum standard. More and more people in China spend less time learning English. They have no interest in English. How to learn English well effectively in a short time becomes an important question. So the students need to be motivated, especially the primary school students.

    It has been found that games have been considered to be a good way to motivating  children to work harder and cultivate their interest in learning English. English games are not like the native games, but children still like to play them. For English games are the combination of English learning and funny activities. When one was born, he or she likes playing games. Children have strong demand for funny activities. However English is very boring to most of the children for it is quiet different from our own language. However, at this time games can lead the way to learn. Games can make children learn in playing and pleasure and help them develop positive attitudes towards foreign languages. If children can play games promptly, they will strengthen their self-confidence and improve interest in games for learning English. 

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