
    2. Literature Review源Y自Z优尔W.论~文'网·www.youerw.com

    Belonging to history and social factors, value is one of important factors that influence the effects in cross-culture communication. There is no double that China and America are playing an important role in the world, so it is important to understand the cultural values differences between both countries.

    In the past few years, many studies have done on the cultural values differences between China and America. According to Mr. Hofstede, people’s behavior is closely related to the cultural value. Knowing the difference is benefit to understand the behavior of different culture level. Studying these differences is good to improving cross-culture communication. Zhao Fang talked about the China and western countries differences from Chinese and Western thinking patterns, social customs and religions. And Li Huiyuan has made a great contribution to the study of cultural value in values orientations. Although, they have made a number of explorations, there is not a specific study on the cultural values differences in China and America. Guasha Treatment is a traditional therapy in China, but it is seen as child abuse, so we can obviously find cultural values differences in Chinese and American culture communication. 

    3. Cultural Values Differences in Guasha Treatment

    Values are acquired: it is a kind of belief and an intangible thing. In every culture, there always exists one’s own culture on universal values culture, which is called “cultural values.” Cultural values determine people’s social behavior norms (Yu Jie, 2003: 67). Values are useful, correct, valuable creed or characteristics, which are deemed by a group of people. A nation’s culture generally has its systematic and integrated values, although there are numerous exceptions in any culture, we can still accurately state or generalized nature against a specific culture. For example, we can say that Chinese focus on etiquette, ritual and status. By contrast, Americans put the emphasis on straightforwardness and equality. One can understand a country’s culture background, but they may not understand their values in a certain part. Datong is a living example. 

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