
    2. Theoretical Foundation: Cultural Conflicts and Blendings源Y自Z优尔W.论~文'网·www.youerw.com

         Cultural conflicts are disagreements between cultural beliefs and values by two or more sides. The spirit of understanding and vast breast should be put in the different cultures. Avoiding contradiction, abandoning yourself, or coming into collision is uncivilized practice. According to the Chinese journals, since 2001, various periodicals in China have published nearly 100 reviews about the movie guasha. However, they almost try to analyze cultural differences and cultural conflicts from surface rather than deep structure of culture. For example, Siqi points out that the movie shows the cultural conflicts between China and America.(Siqi 2001: 2)Zhang Bocun considers the movie reflects the perceptualism of China and the rationalism of America and so on.(Zhang Bocun 2002: 1) In today's cultural market, it pins down the perspective of criticism unnecessarily, which makes the academic understand the movie guasha only from its cultural conflicts. Therefore, the article will cross limitations of cultural conflicts, and combine cultural conflicts with cultural identity, and cultural empathy to arouse people’s cross-cultural awareness, and achieve cultural blendings, which avoids another Xu’s tragedy in the globe.

    3. Cultural Background between China and America 

         Chinese culture and the Western culture originate from the East Asia continent and Europe's continent. The differences of environment provide the stage of history to the creation of Chinese culture and western culture. That is different cultural background between China and America about Confucianism in Chinese traditional culture and egalitarian in American culture. 

    3.1 Traditional Confucianism in China 

         Confucian culture is the mainstream of Chinese traditional culture. “Benevolence” is of primary importance in the doctrine of interpersonal relation. “Benevolence” is used to emphasize that people should transact his benevolence in mutual association, and regard it as the fundamental principle dealing with others. Confucius points out that “Benevolence” means “giving love” . Mencius also advocates “the benevolent loves others”. The movie guasha focuses on family. In the traditional idea of Chinese family, and in the Confucian family values, the most important part has two sides. Firstly, Confucian culture regards harmony as fundamentality. Confucius thinks that if everyone can keep his nose clean, people can live with each other peacefully. The country's welfare is based on stable families,so keeping “peace” is the most important. Secondly, “loyalty, filial piety, chastity, and righteousness” are also important. The grades between father and son, king and vassal are core; strict hierarchy has proved an insurmountable relation. Father is recognized as an authority in a family. Patriarchy is a system which invades Confucianism. Vassal must be absolutely loyal to king; children must absolute obey their parents and brothers and sisters should be treated with decorum and respect. 

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