
    During his primary school, he startedwriting, mainly for his brother David’s newspaper. Meanwhile, he also wrote his own novels. In 1969, Stephen King went to University of Maine, majoring in English. He had his own regularcolumn on school’s newspaper. He used to go to Professor Burton Halten’s literature seminar wherehe met his future wife and fell in love. In 1970, Stephen King graduated from university and got theteacher certification. However, he didn’t find a job as a teacher. Instead, he wrote for men’smagazine to earn his life. Later, he finally became a teacher and also an editor for severalmagazines. It is that period when his drinking problem seeded.Year 1973 was the turning year for Stephen King. He learnt some anecdotes from his job whichlater turned into Carrie, a story about a girl who had magic powers. In fact, King didn’t like thestory at first because he didn’t know how to write physiological things about girls. It was his wifewho picked up the manuscripts from the garbage bin and encouraged him to finish the story. Finally,he finished his work and sold it to Doubleday and got 2500 dollars as the down payment and 200thousand dollars as copyright payment. It really improved his family life. After King’s mother’sdeath in 1974, he and his family moved to Maine, having lived a long time in Colorado, and therehe finished his fist commercially successful work The Shining and Stand.The most common key point of Stephen King’s novels is destruction. Destruction has never beenthe purpose, but it contrasts his hope about kindness meaning that people can totally understandthemselves源Y自Z优尔W.论~文'网·www.youerw.com  to defeat their horror deep inside and remodel reason and sense. Fear and anxiety are inreality usually mirrored in nightmares. King makes nightmares fly back to the reality and reveal theother side of the darkness in human’s mind -- terror and anxiety. Readers can see hopes and fearfrom the normal but typically nobody is thinking, and they really could be them. The absurd anduncanny world in most of Stephen King’s works actually originates from the real fear in reality.What’s more, he is good at creating a vivid, stereo state, which means showing characters’ reactionin a real and natural setting.
    The fight against the world, fear and loneliness shows the tragically shocking power only possessedby classical tragedies. It also expresses the deepest desire and grief hidden deep in the author.In Stephen King’s works, there are doubt and respect, intimacy and distance, life and death, manhimself and others. In Children of The Corn, a group of children gather in the corn field where Indians used to cast spells. They destroy the corns then get cursed and become killers. They havekilled all the adults in the town and finally cut throat one another. Lack of awe to life and natureleads to the tragedy.Until now, King has published 49 novels. The most noted ones must be Carrie (1974), TheShinning (1977) and It (1986). After publishing several successful horror fictional works whichhave made him a renowned novelist, Stephen King published Rita Hayworth and The ShawshankRedemption instead of repeating himself as a writer of horror fiction. It made the readers and thepublishers in an uproar. He himself said that he was inspired by his ex-editor’s worry if he would befixed as a horror novelist.As a writer, Stephen King enjoys high popularity and owns loyal readers all over the world. Hisworks have been on the top of Bestseller List in American. Because of his unrestrained imaginationand abundant creation of horror scenes, he was honored ‘Master of Modern Horror Fiction’ by NewYork Times. His remarkable contribution has earned him British Fantasy Award (1981), WorldHorror Grandmaster (1992), O’ Henry Award (1996), Life Achievement Award (2002),international Author of The Year (2004) and Grand Master Award (2007).Besides fictional works, King also devotes himself in column commentary, film directing andacting. His rich life experience and vivid expression contribute a lot to his creation of literary works.Through combining normal life with horror fiction, creating an unexpected contrast to theunromantic life and motivating resonance, Stephen King lives up to his reputation.
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