Abstract  With the rapid development of society and economy, English becomes more and more important in the modern society. In the traditional English teaching methods, the students usually accept the English knowledge passively instead of using them properly. So most of Chinese students are poor at English  and they learn English with a low efficiency. In the new turn of English Curriculum reform, the cooperative learning mode is advocated to apply in middle school English classroom teaching. The cooperative learning mode encourages students to study English actively in groups by discussion and communication in a cooperative way. The thesis discusses the necessity and feasibility to carry out the cooperative learning mode in English teaching in junior middle school. Meanwhile it explores how to apply cooperative learning mode effectively in English teaching in junior middle school as well as provides some suggestions for other Chinese English teachers.59098

Key words: cooperative learning mode; English teaching; junior middle  school; suggestions




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 The Definition of Cooperative Learning 2

2.2 The History of Cooperative Learning 2

3. The Necessity to Carry out Cooperative Learning in Middle School English Teaching 3

3.1 The Demands of the Syllabus and the Curriculum 4

3.2 The Significance of Carrying out Cooperative Learning in English Class 5

4. The Feasibility to Carry out Cooperative Learning in Middle School English Teaching 6

The Characteristics of Middle School Students 6

5. The Suggestions for Teachers to Carry out English Cooperative Learning in Middle School English Teaching 7

5.1 Preparing Students for Cooperative Tasks 7

5.2 Group Arrangement 7

5.3 Starting with Easy-to-Do Cooperative Learning Activities 8

5.4 Small Group Skills 9

5.5 How to Make Group Assessment 9

6. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

 1. Introduction

With the rapid development of economy, English plays more and more important roles in the modern society. However, in the traditional English teaching methods, the teacher is the center of classroom teaching. He just imparts English knowledge to the students and students only receive the knowledge passively. So the teaching reform of English course has been put forward. According to the National English Curriculum, students are asked to learn English in class through participation, experience, practice, cooperation and communication, which aims at cultivating learners’ overall qualities. Some specialists and English teachers proposed cooperative learning mode to learn English in the 1970s. It advocates learners’ to cooperate with their peers and their learning efficiency is improved in the process. Cooperative learning, a way of knowledge acquisition in a group, is carried out by many countries in the world. Cooperative learning can be shown many different kinds of activities which are on the basis of students’ learning groups. In order to promote the students’ English proficiency, the dynamic elements are applied in teaching. In cooperative learning, all the students are required to negotiate and communicate with each other in order to complete the tasks given by the teacher. And the achievements gained by the group will be assessed by the teacher. Cooperative learning, an efficient activity, has been widely used all over the world. It is also widely used in teaching in our country. However, there is no concrete and detailed research about the combination of cooperative learning in junior middle school English teaching. So some researches on it have been done in the thesis.

















