Abstract This article will make a preliminary research on the external and internal cause of the Marguerite's tragic fate by the ways of reading, analysis, comparison and synthesis. Finally, the paper reaches a conclusion that the external causes are from society, Armand and D·Duval; while the internal causes are from Marguerite's extraordinary beauty, family factor, her attitude to life, her vision of love and her faith. From the analysis of her tragedy, we can have a deeper understanding on the tragic color and appreciate it. Though previous studies have demonstrated the tragic fate of Marguerite before, I want to analyze and study, expound and prove it in a more comprehensive way because people live in different period and under different living circumstance may have various views on the same topic. This paper will provide a more innovative and comprehensive view for reader to review the classic.60052

Key words:The Lady of the Camellias; Marguerite Gautier; tragic fate; reason



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3.The External Causes of Tragedy 3

3.1 Society 3

3.2 Armand’s characters and love environment 4

3.3 D.Duval 5

4.The Internal Causes of Marguerite’s Tragedy 6

4.1 Marguerite’s family factor 6

4.2 Marguerite’s beauty and character 7

4.3 Marguerite’s belief and her view on love 8

5.Conclusion 10

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction 

The Lady of the Camellias is written by Alexander Dumas fils, and its chilly beautiful even great love tragedy is a Masterpiece in the world. It is a true story happened to Alexander Dumas fils in Paris. Alexander Dumas fils met Mary Duplessis who was later the prototype of Marguerite Gautier. He fell in love with her at first sight. As Mary Duplessis did not want to drop out from the upper society, he wrote a letter to Mary Duplessis to break off the relation between Mary and him. Mary died in Paris in 1847 which made him be in deeply grieved and he wrote their story. He was influenced by his father and he also loved the literary creation. Later, he became an important writer during the transition from the romanticism to the realism of the France. The Lady of the Camellias was viewed as the beginning of the sign of the French realism. It became famous as soon as published and now it is a masterpiece in the world. It was his first famous masterpiece and the novel expressed the humanism, reflected the true relation between people. It also showed people's care, tolerance and respect. All caused a great effect on people and was generally welcomed. It is a literature aiming at not only expressing pity to the inferior in society and the indignation to the superior who squeezed the inferior, but also advocated morality and dream. It is also a literature to elevate women’s status in society. Just like what Alexander Dumas fils said, any literature is sick and incomplete if it is not aiming at making people pay attention to morality, dream, and something good for people.

















