Abstract Language is the carrier of culture. And idioms are called the essence of language. The Chinese folk wisecracks are unique expressions in Chinese national culture. Its deep ethnic color and unique structure cannot be found in other languages. There are no corresponding expressions in English for Chinese folk wisecracks. Therefore, translation of Chinese folk wisecracks into English becomes one of the most difficult parts in Chinese-English translation and the cultural connotation is difficult to be conveyed. Based on two popular English version of Chinese masterpiece A Dream in Red Mansions, this article compares the translation of folk wisecracks in the novel and analyzes reasons for differences in translation, expecting to arouse further thoughts on translation of Chinese folk wisecracks. 60706

Keywords: Chinese folk wisecracks; A Dream in Red Mansions; cultural differences; translation strategies


毕业论文关键词:汉语歇后语; 《红楼梦》;翻译策略;文化差异


1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review1

2.1 Translation Theory.......2

2.2 Chinese Folk Wisecracks ......5

2.3 Researches on Folk Wisecracks in A Dream in Red Mansions...6

3. Analysis of Chinese Folk Wisecracks Translation in A Dream in Red Mansions8

3.1 Literal Translation..9

3.2 Liberal Translation10

3.3 Combination of Literal and Liberal Translation...11

4. Reasons for Different Folk Wisecracks Translation from Cross-cultural Perspective..13

4.1 Cultural Confliction...13

4.2 Cultural Vacancy...14

5. Conclusion..15

Works Cited...16 

1. Introduction 

Translation is not only the language of translation, but also the cultural translation. And its essence is a cross-cultural communicative activity. Translation is not very easy because different languages reflect different cultures and its own rich cultural connotations. Besides, it is related to its cultural constraints. So translation needs to surmount double barriers to languages and culture. As far as language is concerned, the largest barrier is special forms of source language. And it is more difficult to translate if the special form of language shows the national character with a highly ideological content. Chinese folk wisecracks belong to this type. Chinese folk wisecracks of Chinese play an important role in Chinese language and they also become important part of the idioms. They have vivid image of the witty humor and also are widespread in the public. Chinese folk wisecracks not only have a unique structure, but also fully demonstrate the Chinese national language styles. English does not fully correspond with the expression of rules. Therefore, in the practice of translating Chinese folk wisecracks into English, it is no doubt that the translation is a complex and difficult issue. Chinese folk wisecracks have a unique style of rhetorical effect, so it is widely used in literature. The use of Chinese folk wisecracks in classical literature A Dream in Red Mansions is exemplary. Cao Xueqin made full use of Chinese folk wisecracks to make language concise, and has strong philosophical features. It played an active guiding role in reflecting the depth of social life. (Liu Yafeng 2008:101) Exploring the translation of the strategy of Chinese folk wisecracks will not only help the world know China and Chinese well but also promote the cross-cultural communication smoothly. This paper is based on the two famous English versions of A Dream in Red Mansions, compare the different translations of Chinese folk wisecracks, analyze the reasons so that to draw readers attention to differences of translating the Chinese folk wisecracks between English and Chinese.

















