Abstract The appearance of network language leads to changes in human beings’ speaking behavior. Due to persity of languages and network development, word-formation of English and Chinese network languages varies in many aspects. This thesis initially introduces the background of network languages. After exploration of main word formation, comparison is involved in the research of English and Chinese network words, which includes similarities like randomness, tendency of abbreviation and utilization of homonyms and differences such as utilization of loanwords, cultural persities and so on. Analyzing word-formation of English and Chinese network words promote network communications and better comprehension of shifty trend occurring in linguistic structure and system.61486

Key words:network language; word-formation; comparison; network communications; trend


毕业论文关键词: 网络语言;构词方法;比较;网上交流;趋势

1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 Definition of Network Language 1

2.2 Research on Network Language at Home and Aboard 2

3. World-formation of English Network Language 4

3.1 Compounding 4

3.2 Derivation 5

3.3 Homophony 6

3.4 Abbreviation 7

4.World-formation of Chinese Network Language 8

4.1 Homophony 8

4.2 Abbreviation 10

4.3 Reduplication 11

4.4 Loanwords 11

5. Comparasion on Word-formation 12

5.1 The Similarities 13

5.2 The Differences 14

6. Conclusion 16

Works Cited 18

 1. Introduction 

Information is exchanged on the Internet through various ways, mainly by characters. Since the advance of network, network language has entered into people’s sight. Emergence and extension of network language not only display vitality of languages, but also are a challenge of traditional expressions. “Social changes will inevitably cause changes of languages.” (Guo Xi, 1999: 67) With rise of network, network language, a tool of communication, serves for people’s life step by step. Therefore, more and more exploration is exerted on network language. Research of Internet words and analysis of their construction rules can help get access to network communications, promote the development of Internet and benefit our precise grasp of the phenomenon of new language and better comprehension of shifty trend occurring in linguistic structure and system.

The thesis mainly elaborates some typical method of word-formation and shows a comparison between English and Chinese network words, which will be useful for others to do some researches in this field. It is conducted in six parts. The first part is about the background of network languages and then definition and category of network languages are presented. In the third and forth part, several methods to create words on English and Chinese network languages are illustrated respectively. In the last but one part, comparison of English and Chinese network word-formation is analyzed and the last part is an overall conclusion of the whole paper.源:自/优尔-·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















