Abstract With the further development of economic globalization, modern advertising has become an integral part of modern business. As a special form of literature, advertisement has rich connotation, not only relating to the linguistic factors, but also involving more factors beyond the linguistics. Therefore, advertising translation is much more complicated. This article explores the factors that should be focused on from different perspectives, based on the adaptation theory, and explains the way that translator used to adapt to these linguistic context and non-linguistic context factors, so as to achieve the purpose of advertisement.61658

Key words: adaptation theory; advertising translation; linguistic context; non-linguistic context.



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Advertisement Translation under Adaptation Theory 3

3.1 Features of Advertising Translation 3

3.2 Development of Advertising Translation under the Adaptation Theory 4

4. Adaptation to the Linguistic Context 4

4.1 Adaptation to Pronunciations 5

4.2 Adaptation to Words 5

4.3 Adaptation to Syntax 6

4.4 Adaptation to Rhetoric 7

5. Adaptation to Non-linguistic Context 7

5.1 Adaptation to the Social Environment 8

5.2 Adaptation to the Historical Environment 9

5.3 Adaptation to the Consumer’s Backgrounds 10

6. Conclusion 12

Works Cited 14

1. Introduction 

With the blooming of economic globalization, modern advertising has become an integral part of modern business. Advertisement is a communication tool which companies use to promote certain products; it is a specific communication method that companies pay a certain fee to make their products well-known to the public. The excellent advertising language, not only can show the advantages of their products and stimulate the purchase in order to brings benefits to the company, and also has resonance in consumer groups and leaves a deep impression to consumers, even though, it will become a classic advertising language across time and space. 

As a kind of cross-cultural activity, advertising translation plays an important role in opening the foreign market. After long time of development, advertising language has become an independent language form which has its own features and functions, and it is the reason why advertising translation is unique, that is to say, while translating, translators must take the characteristics and charm of advertisement as well as translation principles into account, in order to achieve the ultimate commercial purpose of the advertisement. Advertisement has rich connotation, not only relates to the linguistic factors, but also involves more factors beyond linguistics, therefore, advertising translation is much more complicated, translators must take the different cultural and social factors between the original language and the target language into consideration. Different habits of language, social culture, religious beliefs and other factors will lead to various problems in advertising translation, however the importance of advertising has not arose enough attention, so how to make the advertising translation to show its original features, it is a question worthy to be discussed. 

















