The relationship between the three beauties is dialectical . Xu Yuanchong hold the view that in the three beauties, beauty in sense is the most important, beauty in sound is the second and beauty in form is less important. That is to say, beauty in sound and beauty in form should be based on the fact that the beauty in sense contains in the translation version. If three beauties can 't achieve at the same time, we should ensure the beauty in sense. And when three beauties are available at the same time, the translation is perfect and we can say it is “best words in best order”.

2.2  Reproduction of Bai Juyi and The Everlasting Regret

   This thesis attempt to analyze translation of The Everlasting Regret. It’s necessary to make an introduction of this poem and the poet

2.2.1 Introduction of Bai Juyi 

Bai Juyi is a famous poet of Tang Dynasty ,he was born in a poor but educated family in 772,which provide him a good environment to study. He was clever and hardworking when he was very young, he started to learn to write poem when he was only five years old. When he was twenty-seven, he attended the imperial examination and obtained the Jinshi Degree.

Like many poets in history, Bai Juyi had a lifetime of frustrations. After obtained the Jinshi Degree, his official career was very smooth. But he is too upright and plainspoken which made many people including the emperor resented him and many political opponent was set up.

In 815, he was demoted to Jiangzhou. Several years later, he was recalled from banishment and was assigned to many places. His son and close friend Yuan Zhen (who was also a great poet) passed away in 829. It is a shock to him, loss of son and friend made him sorrowful. At the same time, his health we nt bad to worse. In 833,he retired and he died in the early autumn of 846 at the age of seventy-five.文献综述

Viewing the poem of Bai Juyi, it 's not difficult to find that his career as a poet can be pided into two parts. Before he was demoted to Jiangzhou, he was influenced by Confucianism, he cared about politics and showed solicitude for country and common people. At that time, Tang Dynasty suffered great civil strife so that the common people lives in a hard life. So in this period, he showed sympathy for the hardship of common people in his poem. And also he wrote many poems to satirize the corrupt politicians which resulted his demotion. The masterpieces at that time are The Old Charcoal Seller, Buying Flowers, The Everlasting Regret , The Flower in the Haze and many so on.

But after he was demoted to Jiangzhou, he started to become pessimistic as he was disappointed with the government. he realized that his will never fulfill himself.When he was in Jiangzhou, he indulged in traveling. His poems of that period was similar to idylls. 

Bai Juyi’s poem was famous for its simplicity in both form and style. He always tried to use simple words to express his feelings. It is said that after he wrote poem, he will read it to an old lady who was untutored and he will revise it until the lady understand the meaning of the poem. The plain language and concern about people’s life bring  him the reputation as the “People’s Poet”

















