Abstract Since the first establishment of Confucius Institute in 2004, Confucius Institute has seen rapid development over the years. By the end of 2014, there were 475 Confucius Institutes all over the world. Despite its overall global success, there have been sporadic resistances or even complete close of existing programs. This phenomenon merits careful study considering the important CIs have in China’s policy. The development of the Confucius Institute is related to China’s soft power, its importance is self-evident.62415

    Christianity originated in the 1st century in Palestine. After the worldwide dissemination, there are more than two billion believers around the world, the number of Christians in China is between 23 million to 40 million. Its spread has also suffered various difficulties or even resistance, but its believers team have been growing in number. It is understood and accepted by more people.

     This paper aims to give Confucius Institute advice from the development and growth of Christianity in China relating to cultural adaptation, institutional settings and talent development. 

Key words: Confucius Institute, Christianity, Dissemination  




毕业论文关键词: 孔子学院;基督教;传播

1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Dissemination Strategies of Christianity in China 3

3.1Cultural Adaptation 3

3.2Christian’s Institutional Settings 4

3.3Talent Development 6

4. The Implication for the Establishment of Confucius Institute Overseas 8

4.1Catering to Local Needs 8

4.2 Improving the Establishment of Confucius Institute 9

4.3Developing Competent Teachers 12

5. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

1. Introduction

On 20 December 2014, Stockholm University, Sweden, announced that the Stockholm Confucius Institute would be closed by the end of June 2015. According to the vice-chancellor of Stockholm University the new contracts for the Confucius Institutes are not in line with how Swedish universities are governed. Stockholm University’s CI closure is not the only one. It is the third Confucius Institute which would be shut down in 2014 alone, after University of Chicago and Pennsylvania State University announcing that they would discontinue hosting Confucius Institutes. 

Before 2014, there were also some closures. In March 2010, Japan's Osaka Sangyo University closed Confucius Institute after one year of operation. On 7 February 2013, Canada's McMaster University terminated its CI contract. On 24 September 2013, France's University of Lyon closed their Confucius Institute at Lumière University Lyon 2 and Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, which had been established in 2009. On 31 December 2013, Canada's Université de Sherbrooke in Quebec closed their Confucius Institute after months of failed negotiations. In addition, during its initial stages, the programme encountered resistance. In 2009, 174 professors in Chicago University opposed to set up Confucius Institute. Compared to the total number of CIs, the closed CIs occupy a very small proportion. But the problem should be paid attention to. 

















