Abstract Mythology, as the literature of human childhood, is the earliest literary style in world’s literature. Mythology is a reflection of the ancient people’s understanding and wish of the natural and social phenomenon. Mythology is the source and treasury of the literature and art. Every ancient nation has its own unique mythology. As the cradle of human civilization, ancient Chinese and ancient Greek mythology have a long history. However, ancient China and ancient Greece have many differernces, so there are many differences of mythology between the two countries. As is known to all, the goddess is the important part of the mythology. The goddesses’ image and status in the mythology can be learnt. It has improtant reference value for us to study the different status of goddess in different countries’ mythology. By comparing several aspects of goddess of ancient China and ancient Greece, the different cultural background, geographical environment and historical developing process between the two countries at that time can also be learnt. This paper is aimed at comparing the different number, image, status and love of goddess to learn the different cultural background and geographical of two countries.   62485

Key words: Mythology;goddess;the ancient China;the ancient Greek 



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Differences of Goddesses in Ancient Chinese Mythology and Ancient Greek Mythology 2

3.1 Numbers of Goddesses 3

3.2 Statuses of Goddesses 4

3.3 Images of Goddesses 5

3.4 Love of Goddesses 6

4. The Causes of the Differences 7

4.1 Historical Development 8

4.2 Cultural Background and Geographical Environment 9

5. Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction 

     Every nation has its own culture. Different countries have different cultures. But there are still similarities between different cultures. And all the culture appeared in the childhood of every nation and then became more abundant with the development of the history. Nowadays the absurd and colourful mythology is that people can date back to the oldest form of culture. 

     Mythology is based on the real life and not come from the fantasy in mind. It comes from the working of ancient people. Mythology is the real reflection of society at that time. It can be seen that mythology is a valuable spiritual wealth of a nation and a country . It also has a very important position in the history of literature. The theme、content and character of the mythology have an impact on the later literary creation. It provided literary creation with abundant theme. In addition , mythology has rich aesthetic value and historical value and connects with the ancient life and history. 

















